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Pay Per Click Vs. Organic SEO

Have you been avoiding starting a Pay Per Click ad campaign with Google AdWords, or do you currently run ads for the company with lackluster results? It’s common for businesses to be afraid to risk what could basically be seen as setting their money on fire by investing in potentially ineffective ads. It’s also understandable to be reluctant to put fruitless effort towards improving your online visibility completely organically. But something’s gotta give, right? Below we’ll explore the pros and cons of PPC vs SEO and which is ultimately better for your business’s advertising  

What is Pay Per Click (PPC)? 

Semrush describes PPC as an online advertising model where advertisers run ads on a platform such as Google Ads and pay a fee every time someone clicks on it 

Below are a couple of examples of what this usually looks like.  

Basically, most results on Google that have an “Ads” or “Ad” sign next to their listing. 😉  

Pros of PPC 

  • Precise targeting  
  • Ability to track results 
  • Immediate Visibility 
    • Since you’re putting money behind these campaigns, once you implement it, you’ll start seeing traffic almost immediately 

Cons of PPC 

  • Costly 
    • You pay for each click 
    • The fight for the top result could turn into a bidding war  
  • People barely click on Google Ads 
    • Less than 10% of people actually click on paid ads on Google 
  • The cost of PPC is increasing 
    • Since Google has grown in popularity for both for searchers and for advertisers 
  • Benefits won’t improve over time 
    • You’ll only see better results the more money you spend on campaigns 

What is Organic SEO? 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is best described as a way of improving your online visibility and website reach on search engines through organic or unpaid meansThese efforts are executed by strategically using keywords, link placements (a.k.a., backlinks), images, metadata, and more in order to increase link authority on a page or pages to hopefully increase your business’s ranking on search engines. In other words, getting your website to the top of Google’s search results organically.  

Below is an example of what organic search results look like.  

Basically, results on Google that don’t have an “Ads” or “Ad” sign next to their listing. 😉 

Pros of SEO 

  • It’s free! 
  • Opportunity to re-strategize whenever 
  • Offers a continuous flow targeted traffic  
  • High conversion rates 
    • The Search Engine Journal reported that leads generated by SEO can go as high as 14.6% close rate which is a lot better than the 1.7% close rate you can generate from email marketing or print advertising 
  • Around 94% of all search traffic goes to organic results over paid ads. 

Cons of SEO 

  • Results will take time 
  • Risk of being penalized 
    • Need to be aware of search engine updates to requirements  


No one method is perfect for improving your business’s online visibility. However, in terms of cost effectiveness and effectiveness overall, we strongly believe SEO is the best route. With its low cost and organic reach to market to the individual rather than the machine, it’s a no brainer. 

Stop setting your money on fire with Pay Per Click and choose to amplify your online presence organically by ranking on major search engines! Page rankings can be very competitive but with our proven SEO strategy we can help your website rise through the ranks. Our SEO strategy involves… 

  • Monthly keyword research 
  • Monthly on-page search engine optimization 
  • Monthly local search engine optimization 
  • Monthly backlinks, indexing, and link disavows 

Check out our monthly OPM packages 

Contact Us Today to learn more PPC vs SEO

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