A security operations center (SOC) is responsible for protecting an organization against cyber threats. SOC analysts perform round-the-clock monitoring of an organization’s network and investigate any potential security incidents.
If a cyberattack is detected, the analysts are responsible for taking any steps necessary to remediate it.
SOC analysts need a variety of tools to perform their role effectively. They need to have deep visibility into all of the systems under their protection and to be able to detect, prevent, and remediate a wide range of potential threats.
A security information and event management (SIEM) solution is intended to take some of the burden off of SOC analysts. SIEM solutions aggregate data from multiple sources and use data analytics to identify the most probable threats. This enables SOC analysts to focus their efforts on the events most likely to constitute a real attack against their systems.
Log Aggregation: A SIEM solution can automatically collect the log files and alert data that they generate, translate the data into a single format, and make the resulting datasets available to SOC analysts.
Increased Context: SIEMs’ data collection and analytics help to provide the context required to identify more subtle and sophisticated attacks against an organization’s network.
Reduced Alert Volume: SIEM solutions can help to organize and correlate this data and identify the alerts most likely to be related to true threats.
Automated Threat Detection: Many SIEM solutions have built-in rules to help with the detection of suspicious activity.
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