How Your Legacy Systems Are Costing You More Than You Think

two men looking at servers in a server room talking about legacy hardware

Do you feel your business is sailing with an anchor dragging behind, slowing progress, and consuming resources? Legacy systems might be the hidden weight holding you back. As you navigate the complexities of running a business, have you considered that your outdated technology could secretly cost you more and hinder your operations in ways you haven’t fully grasped?

Discover the eye-opening truth about how legacy systems could cost you more than meets the eye and uncover the key insights that could transform your approach to technology in the modern business landscape.

Legacy Systems: Costly Long-Term Expenses

Using legacy systems can incur substantial long-term expenses due to maintenance costs and reduced productivity. Hidden costs associated with outdated technology often lead to unforeseen financial burdens, impacting your organization’s bottom line.

Legacy applications, prone to security breaches, pose significant risks that could result in dissatisfied customers and reputational damage. The high maintenance costs of legacy systems can drain resources that could be better utilized for growth and innovation.

Embracing modern solutions is crucial to avoiding the technical debt of maintaining outdated technology. By investing in upgrading your systems, you not only mitigate the risks of security breaches but also enhance efficiency and productivity, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and long-term cost savings.

Prioritizing the transition from legacy systems to modern solutions is essential for the sustainability and success of your business.

Understanding Outdated Technology Impact

To fully grasp the consequences of relying on legacy systems, it’s crucial to understand the impact of outdated technology on your organization’s operations and overall performance. Outdated systems can lead to compatibility issues with modern technology, hindering efficiency and productivity.

While you may think you’re saving on immediate costs by sticking with legacy technology, the actual price of missed opportunities and decreased performance can be substantial. Moreover, legacy systems pose significant security risks, leaving your organization vulnerable to cyber threats that could result in expensive data breaches.

Embracing technology advances and modernizing your systems can mitigate these risks and unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation. By evaluating the actual opportunity cost of maintaining outdated technology versus investing in upgrades, you can make informed decisions that align with your organization’s long-term success.

Challenges in Legacy Technology Maintenance

Navigating the complexities of legacy technology maintenance can present significant challenges for businesses seeking to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. Dealing with outdated software and legacy code requires skilled professionals to ensure proper upkeep.

Security threats loom large, necessitating vigilant measures to safeguard against potential breaches. The cost of ownership for maintaining legacy systems can escalate due to the need for specialized expertise and disaster recovery planning.

Additionally, integrating third-party applications while meeting regulatory compliance requirements can complicate maintenance. Ensuring the smooth functioning of legacy technology involves a strategic approach to mitigate risks and optimize performance.

Efficiency and Productivity Impacts

Legacy technology’s impact on efficiency and productivity is substantial and requires careful consideration for optimal business performance.

  • Outdated mainframe systems can slow down your business operations significantly.
  • Legacy technology may hurt your business processes, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Delaying a security update could expose your business to cyber threats, stressing your cybersecurity staff.
  • Legacy systems might prevent your team from gaining valuable insights into your business models.
  • Continual reliance on outdated technology may hinder your ability to adapt quickly to changing market demands.

Risks and Incompatibility of Legacy Systems

As your business navigates the challenges posed by legacy technology, addressing the risks and incompatibility associated with these outdated systems becomes crucial. Legacy systems present security risks that can compromise your business outcomes and customer expectations. The need for constant security patches to mitigate vulnerabilities in these systems can lead to higher surface costs and impact customer satisfaction.

Moreover, the incompatibility of legacy systems with modern operating systems and software solutions can hinder your ability to adapt to changing business needs efficiently. Integration challenges and high costs associated with special licensing and updates further exacerbate the limitations of legacy systems, impeding scalability and hindering your future operations.

To ensure optimal performance and safeguard your business against potential security breaches, it’s essential to thoroughly evaluate the implications of maintaining legacy systems. By addressing these risks head-on and exploring modernization strategies, you can enhance your operational efficiency, protect sensitive data, and improve your overall business resilience.

Business System Evaluation and Improvement

Are you evaluating your business systems for improvements to enhance efficiency and performance?

  • Start by assessing current processes and identifying bottlenecks.
  • Engage with employees to gather insights on pain points and areas for enhancement.
  • Consider implementing LEAN and Six Sigma practices to streamline operations.
  • Evaluate the need for new software solutions to meet evolving business requirements.
  • Continuously monitor and adapt systems to align with business goals and objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does the Use of Legacy Technology Affect Employee Morale and Job Satisfaction?

Using legacy technology lowers morale and job satisfaction. Outdated systems slow processes, frustrate employees and increase errors. Upgrading to modern solutions boosts efficiency, enhances user experience, and reduces stress. Prioritize your team’s well-being.

What Are Some Potential Hidden Costs Associated With Maintaining Legacy Systems That Businesses May Overlook?

Maintaining legacy systems may overlook hidden costs like increased security risks, higher maintenance expenses, decreased productivity, and integration challenges. Upgrading to modern solutions can save you time and money in the long run.

How Can the Lack of Scalability in Legacy Technology Hinder a Company’s Growth and Expansion Opportunities?

Lack of scalability in legacy technology limits your company’s growth and expansion. Outdated systems hinder adapting to increased demands, leading to missed opportunities. Upgrading to modern solutions enables agility and competitiveness, fueling your business growth.

What Are the Potential Legal and Compliance Risks Associated With Using Outdated Systems in Today’s Rapidly Evolving Technological Landscape?

Using outdated systems in today’s tech landscape can expose you to legal and compliance risks. Your operations may face data breaches, compliance violations, and increased costs. Updating systems ensures security and compliance, safeguarding your business.

How Can Businesses Effectively Communicate the Need for Modernization and Upgrade of Legacy Systems to Key Stakeholders and Decision-Makers?

To effectively communicate the need for modernization and upgrades to key stakeholders and decision-makers, showcase the benefits of improved efficiency, productivity, and security. Highlight long-term cost savings and decreased risks to gain support. 

Stop Spending So Much on Legacy Systems with WheelHouse IT

You may not realize it, but your legacy systems cost you more than you think. From hidden long-term expenses to decreased productivity and heightened security risks, outdated technology can drain your resources.

With WheelHouse IT, stop worrying about whether you are losing money. Our highly trained professionals are well-suited to cutting costs and improving legacy systems to mitigate security risks and increase scalability. With our team of highly trained technicians and engineers, we are well-suited to get you spending less money on Legacy systems. Contact us and stop worrying about whether you are losing money.

What Is Microsoft 365 Copilot and How Does It Change Everything About How We Work?

Microsoft 365 Copilot

Are you tired of being overwhelmed by mundane tasks and struggling to tap into your creative potential? Prepare to be amazed by Microsoft 365 Copilot, a game-changing innovation that will revolutionize your work.

By seamlessly integrating with your favorite Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to transform your productivity and unlock your creative genius.

But how exactly does it accomplish this? Stay tuned to discover how Microsoft 365 Copilot can completely reshape your work experience and empower you to achieve more than ever.

How Microsoft 365 Copilot Boosts Productivity

Microsoft 365 Copilot revolutionizes productivity by seamlessly integrating with your favorite Microsoft 365 apps, providing real-time assistance and suggestions to help you work smarter and faster. With the help of language models and natural language processing, Copilot understands your needs and assists you in a wide range of tasks.

Whether you’re writing, researching, creating presentations, managing meetings, or handling emails, Copilot supports you at every step.

Imagine you’re writing a report in Word and stuck on finding the right words. Copilot is like having a virtual writing partner. It can generate ideas, brainstorm outlines, and even help you with creative content. Need to summarize a lengthy document quickly? Copilot can do that for you, saving you time and effort. It can also translate languages, making communicating with international colleagues or clients easier.

Not only does Copilot excel in generating content, but it’s also a powerful tool for research. It can find relevant information from your organization’s data and the web, helping you gather insights and analyze trends. From creating slides to suggesting talking points, Copilot makes presentations a breeze. It can even assist you during the delivery, ensuring you deliver confidently.

Copilot also shines in meetings, allowing you to take notes, capture critical decisions, and follow up on action items. When managing your inbox, Copilot can compose emails, schedule meetings, and help you stay organized. By automating repetitive tasks and assisting with complex ones, Copilot boosts your productivity, giving you more time to focus on your most important tasks.

The Creative Power of Microsoft 365 Copilot

Unleash your creativity with the powerful assistance of Microsoft 365 Copilot. Here’s how it can help you tap into your creative potential:

1. Streamline repetitive tasks: Copilot handles mundane tasks like formatting documents or creating meeting agendas, freeing up your time to focus on more creative work. With Copilot, you can breeze through administrative tasks and dive into the more exciting aspects of your projects.

2. Simplify lengthy presentations: Crafting long presentations can be daunting. Copilot can assist you by suggesting talking points, helping you structure your content, and even providing simple prompts to keep your audience engaged. With Copilot’s guidance, you can create impactful presentations that captivate your audience.

3. Manage action items effortlessly: Copilot can help you keep track of action items from meetings. It automatically captures critical decisions and prompts you to follow up on action items, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. With Copilot as your copilot, you can stay organized and ensure that tasks are completed on time.

With its dynamic capabilities and intuitive user experience, Microsoft 365 Copilot empowers you to elevate your writing style, simplify complex tasks, and unlock your creative potential. It’s time to harness the creative power of Copilot and discover new possibilities in your work.

Streamlining Work with Copilot

Save time and increase efficiency by streamlining your work with the assistance of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This AI-powered assistant integrates with your favorite Microsoft 365 apps, including Teams, to help you with various tasks.

With Copilot, you can quickly generate speaker notes for your presentations, saving you the hassle of manually creating them. It can also help you find and organize relevant public content to quickly access the information you need.

One of the critical features of Copilot is its ability to assist with individual user tasks. It can analyze your chat history and threads to provide suggestions and recommendations based on previous conversations. This makes finding information or continuing discussions easier without searching through numerous messages.

Copilot also understands natural language commands, allowing you to interact with it effortlessly.

Mastering Efficiency with Microsoft 365 Copilot

Increase your productivity and efficiency with the powerful capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This AI-powered assistant is designed to help you master efficiency by streamlining your work processes and providing valuable support.

Here’s how it can transform the way you work:

1. Simplify complex tasks: Copilot can assist you in managing a series of functions seamlessly. Whether you need to create a comprehensive report or analyze data from external sources, Copilot can handle it. With its natural language inputs, you can communicate your requirements effortlessly.

2. Optimize collaboration: Copilot integrates with Microsoft Teams, allowing you to collaborate effectively with your colleagues. It provides suggestions and helps you draft messages, schedule meetings, and share links to sources within your conversations. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can access relevant information easily.

3. Enhance meeting productivity: Copilot revolutionizes your meeting experience by offering features such as quick notes and follow-up action items. It can also assist in creating complete presentations, suggesting talking points, and ensuring smooth delivery. This enables you to have more effective meetings and maximize your time.

With Microsoft 365 Copilot, you can unlock your full potential and achieve higher levels of efficiency in your work. Say goodbye to mundane tasks and embrace a more productive and streamlined approach to your daily responsibilities.

Transforming the Way We Work: Microsoft 365 Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot revolutionizes our work by leveraging AI technology to enhance productivity and collaboration. With its advanced capabilities in generative AI, Copilot transforms our daily work operations to a whole new level. It goes beyond being just a tool and becomes our next-generation AI assistant. Copilot acts as a standalone copilot, guiding us through our tasks and offering intelligent suggestions every step of the way.

By integrating seamlessly with Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot becomes an essential part of our business operations. It understands our needs, context, and preferences, allowing us to work more efficiently and effectively. Copilot becomes an indispensable companion that helps us navigate through complex tasks, streamline workflows, and achieve our goals.

One of the critical features of Copilot is its ability to leverage endpoint taxonomy. It can understand and categorize different data types, providing accurate and relevant insights. Whether we’re writing, researching, creating presentations, or managing emails and meetings, Copilot is there to assist us, making our work more accessible and productive.

Microsoft 365 Copilot can transform how we work and unlock our full potential. It empowers us to accomplish more quickly, unleashing our creativity and reducing stress. By embracing the power of AI, we can revolutionize our work processes and achieve new heights of productivity and collaboration.

A Real Game Changer

Microsoft 365 Copilot is a game-changer for enhancing productivity and unleashing creativity. With AI-powered assistance and integration with famous Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot automates repetitive tasks, offers innovative suggestions, and streamlines work processes.

By saving time and effort, Copilot allows you to focus on what truly matters, resulting in a more efficient and fulfilling work experience.

Embrace the power of Microsoft 365 Copilot and revolutionize the way you work.

Ready to transform your work experience? Elevate productivity, streamline tasks, and unleash your creative potential with Microsoft 365 Copilot. Embrace the future of work with WheelHouse IT – Contact us now to revolutionize the way you work.

Hybrid IT is the New Co-Managed IT

a brick wall with a neon sign that says better together

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are constantly searching for innovative ways to manage their technology infrastructure. One approach that has gained significant traction is Hybrid IT, which combines the benefits of both in-house and outsourced IT services.

Hybrid IT refers to a strategic combination of on-premises and cloud-based solutions that allow organizations to effectively manage their technology infrastructure. It involves utilizing a mix of internal resources and external service providers to optimize operational efficiency and enhance productivity. By adopting a Hybrid IT model, companies can leverage the expertise of specialized service providers while retaining control over critical aspects of their IT functions.

The benefits of Hybrid IT are manifold. Firstly, it enables businesses to scale their operations without incurring substantial costs associated with expanding their in-house infrastructure. Moreover, by harnessing cloud-based solutions, companies can access scalable resources on-demand, ensuring seamless business continuity even during peak periods or unforeseen circumstances.

Additionally, Hybrid IT allows organizations to tap into advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), driving innovation and transforming business processes. Overall, by embracing Hybrid IT as the new Co-managed IT approach, businesses can proactively address their technology needs while focusing on core competencies and achieving sustainable growth in today’s competitive market environment.

What is Hybrid IT?

Hybrid IT is a co-managed approach to technology infrastructure that leverages proactive solutions, remote support and monitoring tools, security measures, inventory management, collaboration tools, backup and disaster recovery systems, configuration management and automation tools, as well as documentation and knowledge management resources to streamline operations, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure uninterrupted business continuity.

It combines the benefits of on-premises infrastructure with the flexibility and scalability of cloud services. Hybrid IT solutions allow businesses to take advantage of both public and private clouds through a hybrid cloud model. This enables them to optimize their workloads by choosing where each application or workload should run based on factors such as performance requirements, data sensitivity, cost considerations, and regulatory compliance.

By adopting a hybrid infrastructure approach, businesses can have greater control over their data while benefiting from the agility and scalability offered by the cloud. They can keep sensitive or critical data on-premises for enhanced security while leveraging the cloud for non-sensitive workloads or burst capacity during peak times.

Hybrid IT also allows for seamless integration between different environments through secure connections. This means that businesses can easily move workloads between on-premises servers and various cloud platforms without experiencing downtime or disruptions in their operations.

Overall, Hybrid IT provides organizations with a flexible solution that combines the best aspects of traditional IT infrastructure with the advantages offered by cloud technologies.

Benefits of Hybrid IT

Combining on-premise infrastructure with cloud-based solutions offers numerous advantages, allowing businesses to optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs.

Firstly, Hybrid IT provides cost savings by leveraging the benefits of both on-premise and cloud-based environments. With Hybrid IT, businesses can have a mix of physical servers and virtual machines hosted in the cloud. This allows them to scale their infrastructure up or down as needed, without investing in expensive hardware that may go underutilized. Additionally, by utilizing cloud services for certain workloads or storage needs, businesses can avoid upfront capital expenses and instead pay for what they use on a monthly basis.

Secondly, Hybrid IT provides scalability options that enable businesses to meet changing demands. With on-premise infrastructure alone, scaling up can be time-consuming and costly as it requires purchasing new hardware and setting it up. However, by integrating cloud resources into their infrastructure strategy, businesses can quickly scale their resources based on demand fluctuations. This flexibility ensures that businesses have the necessary computing power during peak times while avoiding unnecessary costs during slower periods.

two men shaking hands over a piece of paper

Lastly, Hybrid IT offers enhanced flexibility by allowing businesses to choose where specific applications or data reside based on their unique requirements. Certain applications may perform better when hosted locally due to low-latency requirements or compliance regulations. On the other hand, storing non-sensitive data in the cloud can provide easy access from anywhere with an internet connection. Hybrid IT enables organizations to strike a balance between control over sensitive data and leveraging the advantages of cloud-based services for non-critical workloads.

Adopting a Hybrid IT approach brings significant benefits to organizations, including cost savings through optimized resource allocation, scalability options for meeting fluctuating demands efficiently, and enhanced flexibility in choosing where applications and data are housed based on specific needs. By leveraging these advantages of combining on-premise infrastructure with cloud-based solutions effectively, businesses can streamline operations and gain a competitive edge in today’s digital landscape.

Remote Support and Tools

Remote support and tools play a crucial role in enabling IT teams to efficiently manage and troubleshoot technology infrastructure from any location. With remote support, IT professionals can provide assistance to end-users and resolve technical issues without the need for physical presence. This not only saves time and resources but also allows for faster resolution of problems, minimizing downtime for businesses.

Remote desktop tools further enhance the capabilities of IT teams by allowing them to access and control computers or devices remotely. This enables them to troubleshoot issues, install software updates, or perform maintenance tasks without interrupting the user’s workflow.

The benefits of remote support and remote desktop tools are numerous. Firstly, they improve the efficiency of IT teams by eliminating the need for on-site visits, reducing travel time and costs associated with traditional IT support models. Additionally, these tools enable IT professionals to provide immediate assistance regardless of their physical location, resulting in faster response times and increased customer satisfaction.

Moreover, remote support allows for proactive monitoring and maintenance of technology infrastructure by providing real-time access to system data and performance metrics. This helps identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems that could disrupt business operations.

Overall, leveraging remote support and tools enhances the efficiency of IT teams while ensuring seamless management of technology infrastructure from anywhere at any time.

Security and Monitoring Solutions

Security and monitoring solutions play a vital role in safeguarding technology infrastructure, providing a watchful eye over network performance and, identifying potential threats, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of business operations.

These solutions offer comprehensive monitoring capabilities that allow IT teams to closely track network performance, including bandwidth usage, latency, and packet loss. By continuously analyzing network data, these tools enable IT professionals to proactively identify any issues or bottlenecks that may impact the overall performance of the system. This proactive approach allows for prompt troubleshooting and resolution, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

In addition to monitoring network performance, security solutions are essential for protecting against vulnerabilities and threats. Firewalls act as a barrier between internal networks and external sources by controlling incoming and outgoing traffic based on pre-established security rules. Antivirus software scans files and programs for any malicious code or malware, preventing them from compromising the system. Intrusion detection systems monitor network activity for possible unauthorized access attempts or suspicious behavior, alerting IT teams so they can take immediate action.

a person typing on a laptop surrounded by padlocks

Furthermore, security tools also help with hardware tracking by providing inventory management capabilities. With these tools in place, IT departments can keep track of all their hardware assets, such as servers, routers, switches, and workstations. This ensures that there is an accurate record of all devices within the infrastructure, which aids in efficient asset management. In case of theft or loss of equipment, these tools assist in locating the missing hardware through features like geolocation tracking or serial number identification.

Overall, security and monitoring solutions are crucial components of hybrid IT services as they contribute to maintaining optimal network performance while protecting against vulnerabilities. By leveraging these tools effectively, businesses can ensure their technology infrastructure remains secure and reliable while minimizing potential risks that could disrupt operations or compromise sensitive data.

Collaboration and Productivity Tools

Collaboration and productivity tools have become essential assets for businesses in optimizing workflow and enhancing team communication.

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected business environment, effective collaboration among team members is crucial for achieving organizational goals. These tools enable employees to work together seamlessly, regardless of their physical locations or time zones. By providing features such as real-time messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, and project management capabilities, collaboration tools facilitate efficient communication and information exchange.

Team members can easily collaborate on documents, share ideas, provide feedback, and track progress on tasks or projects. This not only improves overall productivity but also fosters a sense of unity and cooperation within the team.

Moreover, collaboration tools also contribute to workflow optimization by streamlining processes and reducing manual tasks. With automated workflows and task assignment features, these tools enable teams to allocate resources more efficiently and ensure that everyone is working towards common objectives. By centralizing communication channels and project-related information in one place, collaboration tools eliminate the need for lengthy email threads or multiple software applications. This helps in saving time and minimizing confusion caused by scattered information sources.

Additionally, these tools often offer integration with other business applications, such as project management software or customer relationship management systems, further enhancing workflow efficiency.

Collaboration and productivity tools play a pivotal role in modern businesses by facilitating team collaboration, optimizing workflow processes, and enhancing overall productivity. With their extensive range of features designed to streamline communication and automate tasks, these tools empower organizations to adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the digital age while fostering teamwork and efficiency among employees.

How does Hybrid IT differ from traditional IT services?

Hybrid IT differs from traditional IT services in several ways. Traditional IT services typically involve managing technology infrastructure solely in-house, while Hybrid IT combines in-house and outsourced solutions. This allows for increased flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

What are the key factors to consider when implementing a Hybrid IT solution?

Key factors to consider when implementing a Hybrid IT solution include scalability, cost-effectiveness, and implementation challenges. Scalability ensures that the solution can adapt to changing business needs, while cost-effectiveness maximizes ROI. Implementation challenges involve integrating different technologies and ensuring a smooth transition.

Can Hybrid IT solutions be customized to meet the specific needs of my business?

Hybrid IT solutions can be customized to meet the specific needs of businesses. These solutions offer customization options that allow for flexibility and scalability benefits. Additionally, they provide cost-effectiveness advantages by streamlining operations and reducing costs.

How do remote support and remote desktop tools improve the efficiency of IT teams?

Remote support and remote desktop tools enhance collaboration, streamline troubleshooting, and increase productivity within IT teams. These tools allow for efficient communication and problem-solving, enabling team members to remotely access and resolve issues on users’ devices.

What are some common security threats that Hybrid IT solutions can protect against?

Hybrid IT solutions can protect against common security threats such as malware prevention, data breaches, and network vulnerabilities. By implementing tools like firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems, businesses can ensure the security of their technology infrastructure.

Three Signs Your Business Technology is Due for a Refresh

a person sitting at a desk using a tablet

As a business owner, technology can improve your processes and efficiency, helping your team to maximize their working hours. By adding new technology to your office setup, you can take your business to the next level. Whether you need to add new solutions to your workplace or just upgrade your current hardware, it’s important to consider how outdated technology could impact your day to day operations. Keep reading to discover some of the key signs that it’s time to upgrade your technology this year.

Slow Technology

If your employees are constantly complaining of slow technology and computing issues, then this is one of the top indicators that it’s time to improve your computing systems. The longer you use a computer system, the slower it’s going to get, which will impact your operations and security settings. Most companies have a timeframe they follow for updating their computers, such as every three to five years.

Every four years, we recommend that you upgrade your servers. While you could put this off a little longer, it’s generally not recommended, as it can be more time consuming the longer you leave it. Make sure you add extra time for this project, so that you cover yourself carefully when it comes to upgrading your infrastructure.

Company Growth and Expansion

Expanding your company is an exciting opportunity, but it’s one that comes with many costs and requirements. When your company grows, you’ll need new technology to support this expansion and the demands that are placed on your infrastructure. This upgrade should be seen as a positive one instead of adding stress to your workload, but you may need to consider your whole infrastructure and the possibility of using cloud computing.

Legacy software is one of the main areas we encourage you to look at when your company is growing. The more you hope to expand your company, the greater risk you have on this type of software holding you back. Old software won’t support your future plans, but we know it can be a challenge to stay ahead of the competition in this area. Create a plan for the future to avoid further issues as your company goes from strength to strength over the upcoming months.

Remote Teams

The recent pandemic has seen a huge increase in the number of employees working remotely. This requires you to completely rethink your computing systems, using cloud computing to offer remote access to your systems. While there are some challenges with remote teams, a cloud-hosted service allows you to share resources via the cloud. This is beneficial for both the remote team and the in-house team, who can collaborate on projects and enjoy good communication.

One of the top benefits of cloud computing is that it can reduce technology costs by up to a third, helping to both improve your operations and save you money. It’s easier than ever before to manage assets and deploy resources, so look into the Software-as-a-Service options that could benefit your business.

Our team is here to support you with any technology upgrades you need this year. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist your business.

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