4 Websites People Use Constantly

The Internet is its little world. It’s a massive world that presents a seemingly endless array of options. According to a study done by MIT, the average American spends 24 hours a week online. That’s an average. Some people are locked into the Internet every waking minute of their day. Despite its sheer size (currently […]
Let’s Get Started with Google Drive

Google Drive is a very useful solution for a business to use. Let’s go over some of its many, many features and capabilities.
Zero-Day Threats in Chrome Patched by Google

Homeland Security has issued a warning that zero-day threats have been discovered in Google Chrome. Learn what needs to be done.
Comparing Sheets and Excel for Your Consideration

This week we take a look at a comparison of two of the leading spreadsheet apps.
No, Apple and Google Are Not Tracking Whether or Not You Have COVID-19

We talk about the misconception that Google and Apple are installing applications on your phone without your permission.