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Why Every Business Should Practice SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essentially a way of improving your business’s online visibility and website reach on search engines through organic (unpaid) means. Through efforts that include strategically using on-page elements on a certain page or pages to hopefully increase your business’s ranking on search engines. Basically, you want to get your website to the top of Google’s search results organically and keep it there! 

SEO Builds Trust & Credibility 

The goal of SEO is not only to drive more conversions to your business’s site but to establish a strong foundation for an aesthetically pleasing website that is easy to navigate for all and offers a great user experience.  

People trust search engines—especially Google! If your website shows up on the first page of a search (a result of great SEO strategy), you instantly gain credibility from online users. You can establish even more credibility with great content and strategically used keywords, link placements (a.k.a., backlinks), images, metadata, and more elements. 

Organic Search is Key to Website Traffic 

Organic search is a critical component of the buyer funnel and ultimately the key to getting users to complete a conversion or engagement with your business online. 

Much of the world that has access to the internet is visiting Google at least once a day to get information. This is your opportunity to get your business in front of as many sets of eyes as possible! 

Google’s mission is to provide searchers with quality information. The better your SEO practices, the more Google will present you to searchers.  

Good SEO = Better UX 

In the process of improving your SEO, you’ll find that in the process you’ll improve your website’s user experience (UX) and vice versa. Google favors websites that are laid out in a user-friendly manner. 

Some ways to improve your UX to improve your SEO ranking: 

  • Simplify your site’s navigation 
  • Utilize UX Design to SEO-friendly layouts 
  • Harness search data to inform site architecture 
  • Optimize your site’s load speed 
  • Ensure mobile friendliness  


All In All 

SEO can make your business more trustworthy to Google and to users. It can create a better experience for everyone who visits your website and can drive conversions all without spending a cent! With its low cost and organic reach to market to the individual rather than the machine, it’s a no brainer.  

Start to amplify your online presence organically by ranking on major search engines! Page rankings can be very competitive but with our proven SEO strategies we can help your website rise through the ranks. Our SEO strategy involves…  

  • Monthly keyword research  
  • Monthly on-page search engine optimization  
  • Monthly local search engine optimization  
  • Monthly backlinks, indexing, and link disavows  

Check out our monthly OPM packages!   

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