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Tip of the Week: Password Protect Your Files

When you set up your Windows 10 login password, the hope is that your files will be safe and protected from prying eyes, especially if you have sensitive content you’d like to keep under wraps. If you share a computer or are worried about general security, you could hide a folder easily accessible from the settings. Windows 10 and 11 have an introductory file encryption functionality built in so you can password protect your files for a more substantial level of protection.

This level of protection, while a great solution, is not an enterprise-level security solution to protect all the files on your computer. If you want to implement enterprise-grade data encryption for your business’ files, you can contact WheelHouse IT. We are happy to discuss potential solutions we think you might benefit from!

Now, let’s dive into how you can password-protect a file or folder on your PC.

How to Password-Protect a File or Folder in Windows 10 or 11

Everyone needs to keep a file secret at one point, and not everyone knows how to password protect a file or folder in Windows 10 or 11. Here are the steps to help you save those files without buying additional software. 

To password-protect a file or folder, you will want to open your File Explorer and locate the File or folder you would like to protect. Right-click on the File and select Properties. From here, click on the Advanced option next to the Hidden checkbox. At the bottom of the screen, select the checkbox for Encrypt contents to secure data, and the File will automatically be password protected with your Windows login password. The File will now show a little yellow lock indicating it is now encrypted.

The only downside to this method of password protecting your files is it is tied to your user account. When you need to view the files you’ve encrypted, you must be logged into the user who encrypted the File’s account. If you share a computer with anyone, this protection option may not be the best solution for you. If someone were to log in to your account or gain access, they would be able to access those files under your username. This is where a strong password or locking or logging out of your computer can help keep you safe.

It takes more than some built-in security features in Windows to protect your business. If you want to reinforce network security for your business, discuss your needs with the professionals at WheelHouse IT. To learn more, reach out to us at (954) 474-2204.

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