Three Methods for Data Management

With so much on the line for businesses that deal with sensitive information, security needs to be considered a top priority. Unfortunately, one solution that works for every threat out there doesn’t exist. The right combination of enterprise-level security solutions can help your business secure its data management.

These solutions include a unified threat management tool, a Bring Your Own Device policy, and a virtual private network solution.

Unified Threat Data Management

A unified threat management, or UTM, solution provides comprehensive network security through the use of several IT solutions. It includes the following:

● Firewall: A firewall examines the data that flows in and out of your network, looking for threats and actively keeping them out of your infrastructure.

● Antivirus: If a threat manages to slip past your defenses, you will need to react accordingly. Antivirus solutions allow you to address any issues that do manage to get past your first line of defense.

● Spam blocker: Email provides hackers with a direct line of attack to your business, with spam and phishing attacks being some of the most dangerous ones. A spam blocker can keep your organization from dealing with most dangerous messages, and when you don’t have to waste time with these messages, you can instead spend it being productive.

● Content filter: Your employees might be accessing dangerous or time-wasting websites. A content filter can help you make sure this is kept to a minimum.

With all of these solutions combined into one, you can enable much greater network security for your business.

Bring Your Own Device

If your business’ employees have mobile devices that they use for work purposes, they could act as a bridge between hackers and your network. We recommend that all businesses that find themselves in this situation implement a BYOD policy. This policy should place limits on what employees can and can’t do with their mobile devices. A proper BYOD policy should also have measures in place that can allowlist or blocklist apps based on security, as well as the ability to remotely wipe devices that have been lost or stolen.

Virtual Private Networks

A virtual private network, or VPN, provides a secure method of connecting to data while out of the office. This is especially important for employees that do a lot of traveling. They will need this encrypted network to keep sensitive data safe while out of the office. This keeps data from being stolen while it’s in transit, when it’s most vulnerable.

WheelHouse IT can equip your business with all the security solutions you need to keep your data as safe as possible. To learn more, reach out to us at (877) 771-2384.

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