Setting Up a Strong Wireless Network

On the average business’ network, you can find many of its most important assets. As a result, any addition to that network will need to come with some solid deliberation.

If you’ve been ruminating about the security or viability of your business’ wireless network, we can provide a few strategies and practices that you can use to build a secure and dynamic wireless network.

One of the first considerations you need to make when you are installing a new wireless network is the hardware and software you are going to need to make it work. You’ll obviously need a modem, a router, and depending on how you need it to function, a network switch. Besides the cables that run from your modem to your other hardware, you won’t need any other hardware unless your space is too big, then you may need to purchase a Wi-Fi extender.

Here are some of our most useful suggestions when trying to set up a comprehensive wireless network: 

Skip the consumer level

Like other types of hardware, there are different “grades” of networking equipment. For your business, you definitely want to purchase hardware that is of commercial or enterprise grade. This will ensure that you have the built-in security you will need when handling people’s sensitive information.

Prioritize redundancy

Disasters happen, and you will want to make sure that your network is reliable enough to get back up and running. A data backup platform like our Backup and Disaster Recovery will work wonders to get you back up and running effectively.

Plan for future growth

You will want to ensure that your wireless network can be scaled to support organizational growth or higher foot traffic, depending on your market.

The IT professionals at WheelHouse IT are here to help you build your best business. Call us today at (877) 771-2384 to learn more about how to get the wireless network that is right for your business.

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