Secrets to a Successful Business – Infrastructure, Backup, and Culture

Unlocking the Secrets to Tech-Driven Productivity for SMBs

According to CNBC, costs are not the only reason keeping small-business owners from embracing new technology: a lack of “learning resources” continues to a factor.

Better Technology = More Productivity

Even so, SMBs press themselves to become “tech-savvy,” knowing full well that the outcome can mean an increase in productivity.

Moreover, by partnering with an outside IT-managed service, SMB-owners can spend their time running their business instead of attempting new learning curves—like how to prepare their network for Disaster Recovery.

Start by assessing current systems

An existing network may be providing the scalability you need now, but will it adapt to the changes you foresee in the future? Are you optimizing the use of the cloud for your software (SaaS) and hardware-as-a-service (HaaS)?

For example, a cloud strategy can not only include the ability for interacting with customers worldwide (CRM platform), but also for secure data backups.

‘Storage’ without adding hardware

In addition to backing up company information, does the network meet compliance for storing company data?

Furthermore, do you have a DR plan in place with key people in the loop should a plan ever have to implemented? By using a managed cloud service, system upgrades can be automatically, for example, to help prevent malware and virus from infecting programs and files.

As the CNN overview notes, by making technology a key part of the business, even the smallest operation can create the right company culture to attract the right employees for future growth.

For sure, having the right mix of technology, including the use of an outside IT service, can advance productivity while preparing for future expansion plans.

Contact us to begin developing your plan to protect the digital tools you use in the workplace, from smartphones and tablets to on-premise networks single or multiple locations.  Trained professionals at WheelHouse IT are standing by to answer your questions.

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