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Phishing Attacks Are Still Getting More Sophisticated

Phishing attacks are nothing new in the business world, and they will almost certainly become more prevalent as time passes. Unfortunately, phishing attacks have adapted their practices to get around advancements in security technology, so businesses must work extra hard to spread awareness of phishing to their employees and train them appropriately.

Let’s discuss some of the ways your business might become the target of a phishing attack. There might even be some avenues on this list you may not have considered!

Traditional Email Phishing

Email phishing is the primary method of phishing used by hackers because of how easy it is to send mass emails to countless recipients. These phishing emails often ask users to click on links, download attachments, or confirm sensitive information. A spam filter is often enough to block most phishing emails, but spear-phishing attacks that are focused on one individual user can often make their way through.

Phone Scams

Sometimes hackers will call or text users and ask them to confirm sensitive information, like their date of birth, credit card number, etc. Especially around the holiday season, you may see texts with links to what is supposedly shipping information on a product you have ordered, but in reality, it is a link to download malware or a trap to collect your sensitive information.

Fake Websites

These are particularly crafty, as they can often mirror actual websites with slight variations of their domain name. Common targets for fake website creation are banks, well-known retailers like Amazon, and government agencies. Always assess whether you are on the correct page, and look for encryption in the URL, before entering sensitive information into any websites you encounter.

Social Media Phishing

A recent trend in the cyberthreat space is social media phishing, where hackers use social media as an intermediary for spreading threats. They might use social media messaging apps to contact people directly, or they may make posts that are seemingly quite legitimate but are in fact designed to spread malware or harvest credentials. You must be very careful on social media to avoid phishing attacks.

Ultimately, the best way to safeguard your business from potential phishing attacks is to increase awareness throughout your business. This means having a training protocol implemented for your employees, both new and existing, and constantly reinforcing cybersecurity best practices.

WheelHouse IT can not only help you implement security solutions for enhanced protection, but we can also train your employees and reinforce appropriate cybersecurity practices through periodic testing. To learn more, reach out to us at (877) 771-2384 ext. 2.

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