Get the Utility You Need From the Cloud

If you’ve ever moved files from a flash drive, you are likely well aware of how troublesome limited storage space can be. Business data storage is no different, however the flash drives transition into servers, and the $10 tech store purchase transitions to thousands upon thousands of dollars in the storage servers. There has to be a better way to store data, right? Luckily, thanks to cloud computing — there is.

Data storage can be one of the most overwhelming responsibilities of a business. Keeping all your data organized and accessible is one thing, but when the realization that this also needs to be secure is introduced, data security sounds a lot more complicated. Today we will break down why cloud computing is a smarter computing method than traditional approaches.

Data Security

One of the most daunting business realizations is how frequently security breaches occur, and how expensive they are. Cloud utilization has exploded into an immensely popular business computing method for a plethora of reasons, and data security is just one of them. The cloud is unlike traditional approaches to data storage due to the fact that all of your data is on a virtual server. This unique characteristic enables users to be prepared for the what-ifs, such as equipment failure or other hardware malfunctions. While your hard drive can still fail when using cloud computing, your data storage cannot.


Let’s go back to our simplified version of the cloud– flash drives. Here is the comparable scenario your business might encounter when determining a data storage strategy:

You’re in charge of collecting and storing customer information that is collected at the entrance to an event. You decide you will store it all on a flash drive, so you go to your local tech store and stare at all your options. 16G, 32G, and even up to 500G. Which one is right for you? Do you buy the extremely expensive one only to utilize a small fraction of it, or do you buy 16G only to find that it was not nearly enough?

This is a scenario that cloud computing can prevent you from encountering. Cloud computing means you aren’t wasting resources powering a massive server that you only use a marginal amount of, yet it also ensures your business isn’t going to build a server only to find it isn’t nearly as capable as you need it to be.

Cloud Efficiency

Using the cloud opens your business up to many opportunities that old-fashioned options cannot. Efficiency comes in multiple forms with cloud computing. Worker efficiency is another topic commonly associated with cloud computing. This form of computing allows employees to upload their data or content instantly to the cloud, automatically. This opens doors to remote work options, as well as group collaboration projects. Once someone is directly given permission in the cloud, a client or a prospect can view all of their documentation. Apologizing for not having a file on hand is simply a thing of the past.

There Are Even More Advantages to Using the Cloud!

  • Business Intelligence – It was reported in 2018 that 66 percent of organizations consider themselves to be successfully using Business Intelligence initiatives currently using the cloud.
  • Analytics – The cloud offers a wide range of analytic tools and techniques to help companies track data. It categorizes data in a way that is easily analyzed.
  • Blockchain – Blockchain is one of the most innovative computing tools. With the use of the cloud, blockchain technology will continue to improve and be utilized to further benefit your business.

As technology evolves, so should your computing methods. The tip of the iceberg is cloud computing — what lies below is a great number of advantages of using it. WheelHouse IT has all the experts you need to get rid of your bulky, unreliable servers and take full advantage of the cloud. Give us a call at (877) 771-2384 today!

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