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Cybersecurity: Never Leave Your Devices Unattended

People leave their electronic devices, be they phones or laptops, completely unattended every single day. Of all the ways that your device can be stolen, such carelessness is the most easily avoided of them all. 

It is actually rather scary how common it is to see someone just leaving their electronic devices lying out in the open with their owner nowhere to be seen. It almost seems as if these people are daring any potential thieves to take their stuff. To avoid this, there are a few basic tips that you should employ to avoid being in a situation where you have to leave your valuable electronics lying out in the open.

Get an Inconspicuous Carrying Case

If the carrying case you use for your various electronic devices doesn’t look like it’s stuffed full of laptops, hard drives, and cell phones then nobody will want to steal that bag. Get yourself an inconspicuous carrying case that looks as nondescript as possible to help avoid potential bag snatchers targeting your belongings. 

After all, if someone sees you carrying a bag stuffed full of expensive electronic devices, they will snatch it as soon as they are able. On the other hand, if you just look like you’re carrying a cheap bar phone and work files, they will be less likely to attempt a robbery.

Don’t Leave Your Device in Plain Sight

There will be times when you have no other option than to leave your device sitting out. If that happens, then you should avoid leaving it out in plain sight. If you must leave your devices somewhere and cannot have them with you, hide them in an inconspicuous case or cover it with an object that people are disinclined to move or mess around with.

If you feel that you need additional tips or help with avoiding having your electronics stolen in public areas, contact us today

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6 Reasons to Hire a HIPAA Compliance Consultant

It takes compliance experts with a deep understanding of the law to assess risks relating to a business, to properly train personnel, and to help compose policies and procedures regarding HIPAA compliance. That’s why we’ve compiled six reasons to hire one.

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