Businesses Are Having More and More Trouble Detecting Cyberattacks

Anyone that has recently listened to the news understands the increasing prevalence and vast impacts of cyberattacks.

In early May, one of the largest oil pipelines on the east coast of the United States was taken offline by ransomware, causing panic, price increases, and delays.

Cyberattacks are not only limited to major businesses, though.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are just as likely, if not more, to become victims of a cyberattack.

What is “Dwell Time”?

Simply put, dwell time refers to the amount of time that elapses between the cyberattack beginning on a network and it being detected. Every additional minute that a cyber attacker has free reign on your network gives them the ability to make the attack more substantial and damaging to your business.

This can last from days to weeks, far longer than most criminals need to carry out their attack on your network. Every business leader should prioritize reducing dwell time

How Business Leaders Should Handle Dwell Time

Business leaders have several options if they wish to reduce dwell time on their networks. Common steps that leaders may take to reduce dwell time include:

  1. Begin Patching as Soon as Possible

The most common way for cyber attackers to gain access to a network is through unpatched software. Implementing a more aggressive patching program reduces the ways that they can get into your systems.

  1. Use a ‘Zero-Trust’ System on Servers

As the name implies, a zero-trusts system treats authorized users and outside users the same. This can take several forms such as multi-tiered site architecture that prevents users from easily moving through the site.

  1. Implement Cloud Security

Cloud-based security platforms can provide third-party assistance and insights that limit the impact of security threats.

  1. Utilize On-Access Anti-Malware

Your systems need to scan everything for malware as it encounters your network. Scheduled scans and on-demand scans can wait too long to make sure the incoming connections are safe.

These methods can reduce the likelihood that you suffer a severe cyberattack by reducing dwell time.

Ransomware Attacks Are Getting Worse

As we have already mentioned, ransomware attacks are becoming more frequent and impactful. Net targets are being identified and attacked including schools, government agencies, and large businesses.

The truth is that the threat is never is going to be entirely diminished. Leaders and stakeholders must recognize the risks associated with their business or group and start doing more to prevent such attacks from occurring.

After all, most cyber attackers are looking for the easiest systems and paydays. If your system has enough security to turn them away, then the hackers will likely look elsewhere.

SMBs Are the Main Victims

Unfortunately, small and medium-sized businesses have become common targets. Although SMBs might not seem like a valuable target since they lack the vast bank accounts to pay ransoms, the information such businesses hold can be just as valuable.

Some estimates claim that 2 out of 3 SMBs have been the target of a cyberattack of some sort in the last year. The reason for this increase in attacks could be as simple as the knowledge that many businesses do not invest in their cybersecurity making it an easy potential payday for ransomware cyberattacks.

Is Your Business Prepared to Handle Such a Crisis?

To protect your business from this variety of threats, you need to use a variety of solutions.

If this seems like a lot for your company to handle, you’re right. However, you do not need to take care of it single-handedly. Our team here at WheelHouse IT can help.

To learn more about the protections that we can use to reinforce your IT security, give us a call at (877) 771-2384.

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