How To Protect Your Data & Electronics From Power Surges

Knowing how to protect your data and electronics from power surges is vital to the survivability of your organization. Learning what can go wrong and what you can lose in the event of a power surge will motivate you to ensure that precious data will never be lost.
Introducing Microsoft Video Filters in Teams Meetings

We’re thrilled to announce that Microsoft has generally released video filters in Teams! Microsoft understands that you want to be fully engaged in meetings but may not always have the time to get camera-ready. That’s why they’re now offering AI-powered capabilities that allow you to soften your appearance and add backgrounds in Microsoft Teams. And […]
Closed Captions in PowerPoint Live for Microsoft Teams Meetings

Microsoft is excited to introduce a new feature in Microsoft Teams meetings called Closed Captions in PowerPoint Live. This feature aims to enhance accessibility for those who are Deaf or hard of hearing, have difficulty processing auditory information, have a language barrier, or are simply joining the meeting from a loud environment. Closed Captions will […]
Delivering New Webinar Experiences with Microsoft Teams

In these challenging economic times, many businesses seek to optimize and consolidate for cost savings and efficiencies. Simultaneously accelerating growth. Hybrid workforces continue to pose unique challenges to keep people connected. Therefore, organizations everywhere ask, “How can we do more with less?”. Virtual events, such as a Webinar, have become an increasingly popular option for […]
How to Create a Shared Network by Mapping Network Drives

Shared networks are extremely common among businesses, as they allow your employees to access important company documents much more efficiently. Your IT department may have set up a shared network for your organization, without you even realizing it. Knowing the workings of shared networks and how to map a network drive on your device is […]