Stay Prepared: NHC Tracking 3 Tropical Waves Just Days Before Hurricane Season

Tropical Waves in the Atlantic

As the official start of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season approaches, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) has already begun tracking three tropical waves. These disturbances are typical for this time of year and are the first we are seeing this season. One tropical wave is in the Caribbean, another near South America, and a third has just emerged off the coast of Africa. Although none show signs of immediate development, it’s essential to stay vigilant.

National Hurricane Center tracking 3 tropical waves

Understanding Tropical Waves

Tropical waves are areas of disturbed weather that usually originate from the coast of Africa and move westward, carried by trade winds. Each season, we can expect around 60 of these waves, some of which may develop into tropical storms or hurricanes. With the official start of the hurricane season just days away, forecasters predict an above-average season with numerous named storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes. Major hurricanes are classified as Category 3 or higher, with winds exceeding 111 mph.

Factors Contributing to an Active Season

Forecasters attribute the predicted active season to two main factors: La Niña and record-warm waters in the Atlantic basin. Both conditions provide the necessary fuel for storm development, increasing the likelihood of a busy hurricane season. As of the latest update on May 28, the NHC is monitoring three tropical waves in the northern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico.

Current Tropical Waves

  1. Tropical Wave 1: Located east of the Cape Verde Islands, moving west at 17 to 23 mph.
  2. Tropical Wave 2: Positioned in the Central Atlantic, extending north off the coast of Brazil. Moving west at about 17 mph.
  3. Tropical Wave 3: Found in the central Caribbean, north of the eastern tip of Cuba, moving west at 11 to 17 mph, bringing scattered showers to Hispaniola and nearby waters, including the Windward Passage.

Potential Impact and Preparedness

While it is too early to determine the potential impact of these tropical waves on Florida or the U.S., it is crucial for all residents and businesses to stay informed and prepared. This advice is particularly pertinent given the forecast for an active hurricane season.

Important Dates

  • Atlantic Hurricane Season: June 1 through November 30
  • Peak Hurricane Season: September 10, with the most activity typically occurring between mid-August and mid-October

Resources for Business Preparedness

At WheelHouse IT, we understand the importance of preparing for hurricane season. We invite business leaders to visit our Storm Resource page to download essential resources to help prepare their businesses. These resources include checklists, guides, and best practices to ensure your business can weather the storm effectively.

Always follow the National Hurricane Center for official storm forecasts and updates at NHC. Stay safe and proactive this hurricane season.

By keeping informed and prepared, your business can confidently navigate the challenges of the hurricane season. For more information and resources, don’t hesitate to contact WheelHouse IT.

NOAA Predicts Above-Normal 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season

NOAA's GOES-16 satellite captured Hurricane Idalia approaching the western coast of Florida while Hurricane Franklin churned in the Atlantic Ocean at 5:01 p.m. EDT on August 29, 2023. (Image credit: NOAA Satellites)

Updated Hurricane Season Outlook and Preparation Tips

NOAA has released its predictions for the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, forecasting an above-normal level of activity. As businesses brace for the season spanning from June 1 to November 30, it’s crucial to take proactive measures now to ensure safety and continuity.

2024 Hurricane Season Forecast

Forecasters at the NOAA Climate Prediction Center estimate an 85% chance of above-normal activity, a 10% chance of near-normal activity, and a 5% chance of below-normal activity for this hurricane season. Here’s what to expect:

  • 17 to 25 Named Storms: Winds of 39 mph or higher.
  • 8 to 13 Hurricanes: Winds of 74 mph or higher.
  • 4 to 7 Major Hurricanes: Winds of 111 mph or higher.

These predictions come with a 70% confidence level, significantly attributed to near-record warm Atlantic Ocean temperatures, La Niña conditions in the Pacific, reduced Atlantic trade winds, and less wind shear, all favorable for tropical storm formation.

New Measures and Preparedness

NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad emphasized the agency’s commitment to providing life-saving information. Thus highlighting new AI-enabled language translations and a depiction of inland wind threats in the forecast cone. “Our proactive steps are designed to save lives and protect property,” Spinrad said.

FEMA Deputy Administrator Erik A. Hooks underscored the importance of preparedness: “Severe weather and emergencies can happen at any moment, which is why individuals and communities need to be prepared today. Proactive measures today can significantly impact how well people recover tomorrow.”

How Businesses Can Prepare

As a Managed Service Provider dedicated to helping businesses, WheelHouse IT urges companies to prepare now. Visit our storm resource page at for essential tips and resources. Additionally, always get updated storm track information from official sources like the National Hurricane Center.

With another active hurricane season approaching, businesses must take steps to mitigate risks. Ensure your business continuity plans are up-to-date, protect critical data with robust backup solutions, and educate your employees on emergency procedures.

Don’t wait—start your preparations today to ensure your business is ready to weather any storm this hurricane season.

NOAA’s Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook to be Released Thursday

Atlantic Hurricane Season

With the start of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season just over a week away, businesses must prepare now rather than later. On Thursday, May 23rd, federal forecasters will release their outlook, detailing the expected number of storms for this year. This is a reminder that hurricane season is fast approaching, and businesses should not wait to take action.

A Potentially Record-Breaking Season

Due to La Niña and record-warm Atlantic Ocean waters, an active hurricane season seems likely. This year’s outlook might predict the most storms ever. In 2010, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted a record “14 to 23 named storms.” The record for named storms in a season is 30, set in 2020. On average, a typical year sees about 14 tropical storms, seven of which become hurricanes, based on data from 1991 to 2020.

Other Predictions Indicate High Activity

Colorado State University’s hurricane forecasting team, led by Phil Klotzbach, has already predicted 23 total named storms and 11 hurricanes in its April forecast. This is the highest number of hurricanes ever predicted in an April forecast by Colorado State since 1995. The UK Met Office and the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts also predict an active season, calling for nine hurricanes between April and September.

The Importance of Preparedness

The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on June 1 and runs through November 30. Most storm activity typically occurs from mid-August to mid-October. Businesses must prepare in advance to mitigate the risks associated with these powerful storms.

Why This Season Might Be Unusually Active

This season might be particularly active due to a combination of record-warm ocean water in the Atlantic and a potential La Niña climate pattern. Warm waters provide the necessary fuel for hurricanes and contribute to a more unstable atmosphere. La Niña, a phase in the cyclical pattern of water temperatures and winds along the equator in the Pacific Ocean, often leads to more active hurricane seasons.

Don’t Wait—Prepare Now

At WheelHouse IT, we understand the importance of preparing for hurricane season. Visit our storm resource page at for essential tips and resources to ensure your business is ready. Additionally, always get updated storm track information from official sources like the National Hurricane Center.

Currently, a disturbance in the Caribbean poses no threat to Florida. However, it reminds us that hurricane season is approaching quickly. Prepare today to ensure your business is ready to face any storm.

WheelHouse IT prepares for the 2024 hurricane season with storm drill

WheelHouse IT Generator for Hurricane Season


WheelHouse IT Enhances 2024 Hurricane Preparedness with Comprehensive Storm Drill

Fort Lauderdale, FL — May 21, 2024 — WheelHouse IT, a leading provider of IT services, recently conducted a week-long hurricane preparedness exercise to ensure the highest level of readiness for the 2024 hurricane season. This extensive internal drill involved a simulated Category 4 hurricane making landfall in Florida. Thus testing the company’s restoration efforts, operations, logistics, communications, and customer service responses.

The exercise underscored WheelHouse IT’s commitment to maintaining continuous service for its clients even under extreme weather conditions. The internal test allowed the company to refine its response strategies. Additionally, we ensure that all team members are prepared to handle the challenges posed by hurricanes.

“Our team’s dedication to preparedness is a key factor in our ability to provide uninterrupted service to our clients, no matter the circumstances,” said Gani Zebersky, CEO of WheelHouse IT. “These drills are essential for ensuring that we can respond quickly and effectively during hurricane season.”

WheelHouse IT Generator for Hurricane Season WheelHouse IT’s robust preparation strategies include maintaining support systems in secure inland data centers, equipping team members with wireless hotspots for remote work, and securing multiple locations to ensure uninterrupted support. The Fort Lauderdale headquarters is fortified with a 60,000 KW generator and resilient infrastructure to withstand severe storms.

“Being prepared is not just about having a plan. It’s about testing and refining that plan to ensure we can execute it flawlessly when needed,” stated Adam Kaplan, President of WheelHouse IT. “Our recent drill has strengthened our confidence in our ability to support our clients through any storm.”

WheelHouse IT encourages customers to prepare for the hurricane season by visiting their Storm Center at for checklists and resources. For official storm guidance, customers should follow the National Hurricane Center at

About WheelHouse IT:

WheelHouse IT provides comprehensive IT services, specializing in business continuity, disaster recovery, and cybersecurity. With a strong presence in multiple states, WheelHouse IT is committed to delivering exceptional service and support to businesses nationwide.

For more information, please contact: Rory Cooksey
WheelHouse IT
Email: [email protected]

WheelHouse IT Sponsors the 2024 SFBW Diversity & Inclusion Awards, Celebrating South Florida’s Trailblazers

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For Immediate Release

WheelHouse IT Proudly Sponsors the 2024 South Florida Business & Wealth Diversity & Inclusion Awards

Fort Lauderdale, FL – May 15, 2024 – WheelHouse IT is thrilled to announce its 2024 South Florida Business & Wealth (SFBW) Diversity & Inclusion Awards sponsorship. As a company deeply committed to fostering diversity and inclusion within the workplace and beyond, WheelHouse IT is honored to support this prestigious event that recognizes and celebrates the remarkable contributions of business leaders dedicated to creating a more equitable society.

The SFBW Diversity & Inclusion Awards will occur on June 6, 2024, at The Venue, at 2345 Wilton Dr., Fort Lauderdale. This annual event honors leaders and organizations across South Florida who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The categories for the awards include:

  • Game Changer
  • Ultimate Advocate
  • Entrepreneur of Excellence
  • Diverse Company of the Year
  • Cultural Diversity Award
  • DEI Advocate in Tech
  • DEI Advocate in Health
  • Not-for-Profit of the Year
  • DEI Advocate in Business
  • CEO of DEI
  • Role Model of the Year

Rory Cooksey, Director of Growth at WheelHouse IT, expressed the company’s enthusiasm for sponsoring the event, stating, “We are incredibly proud to support the SFBW Diversity & Inclusion Awards. At WheelHouse IT, diversity and inclusion are vital components of a thriving and innovative workplace. These awards highlight the inspiring efforts of leaders making a significant impact in their communities, and we are honored to be a part of this celebration.”

South Florida Business & Wealth is South Florida’s premier business and lifestyle magazine, serving Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. The magazine provides insights into the corner suite, wealth management, philanthropy, and the finer things in life, including real estate, travel, autos, yachts, and design. SFBW is a curated guide to aiming higher and living well.

WheelHouse IT’s Diversity & Inclusion Awards sponsorship underscores the company’s commitment to promoting a culture of inclusion and equality. As a leader in IT services, WheelHouse IT recognizes the importance of diverse perspectives and is dedicated to supporting initiatives that advance these values within the business community.

For more information about the awards, visit the SFBW Site –

About WheelHouse IT: WheelHouse IT is a leading provider of IT solutions, committed to delivering top-notch services to businesses of all sizes. Our comprehensive solutions include disaster recovery, system backup, and emergency management, ensuring our clients are always prepared and resilient in the face of challenges.

Media Contact: Rory Cooksey, Director of Growth WheelHouse IT – [email protected]