Discover the Power of Microsoft Teams: A Superior Alternative to Zoom for Modern Collaboration

Virtual Meetings. Modern Collaboration

As we continue our exploration of Microsoft Teams and its advantages over Zoom, it’s essential to highlight a groundbreaking addition to the Teams platform: Microsoft 365 Copilot. This feature is a powerful tool for modern collaboration.

Microsoft 365 Copilot in Teams: Revolutionizing Modern Collaboration

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an innovative feature within Teams that takes collaboration and productivity to the next level. Leveraging the capabilities of advanced AI, Copilot in Teams assists users in various tasks, from drafting messages and emails to scheduling meetings and generating content. Microsoft designed this AI-driven assistant to understand the context of your work, making it easier and faster to complete routine tasks.

Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency

With Copilot in Teams, businesses can experience a significant boost in productivity. The AI assistant can draft quick responses, summarize meetings, and even suggest actions based on conversation contexts. This means less time spent on mundane tasks and more time for strategic, high-value work.

Intelligent Meeting Assistance

Copilot in Teams transforms how meetings are conducted. It can provide real-time summaries, highlight action items, and even suggest follow-up tasks. This feature ensures that every participant is on the same page, making meetings more efficient and productive.

Seamless Integration with Microsoft 365 Apps for Modern Collaboration

Like Teams, Copilot is fully integrated with other Microsoft 365 applications. This integration provides a cohesive experience across all tools, enhancing the overall workflow within the Microsoft ecosystem.

The Power of 270 Million Daily Active Users

Remember, Teams’ impressive user base of over 270 million daily active users is a clear indicator of its effectiveness and reliability. Based on user feedback and needs, Microsoft continually refines this platform, resulting in its extensive adoption.

The Complete Modern Collaboration Package

Incorporating all we’ve discussed — the integration with the Microsoft ecosystem, webinar capabilities, innovative features like filters and breakout rooms, unparalleled collaboration tools, and now the addition of Microsoft 365 Copilot — it’s evident that Microsoft Teams is more than just an alternative to Zoom. It’s a comprehensive, AI-enhanced collaboration platform designed for the future of work.


At WheelHouse IT, we commit to providing solutions that empower our clients to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity. Microsoft Teams, with the integration of Microsoft 365 Copilot, offers a sophisticated, AI-powered environment that takes business collaboration to new heights. Join the millions of users who have already discovered the transformative power of Microsoft Teams. Contact us today to start your journey with this revolutionary tool!

Get Botox Without the Injections! Elevating Video Call Appearance with Microsoft Teams

get botox without the injections elevating video call appearance with microsoft teams

High-definition cameras in video calls can be a double-edged sword. While they capture every detail, sometimes they can be a bit too revealing, especially during professional meetings. Microsoft Teams has introduced two new features to address this: Adjust Brightness and Soft Focus. Let’s explore how these settings can enhance your appearance in a video call.

Navigating to New Features in Teams Video Call

You can find these new features in your Device settings. Simply scroll to the bottom, and you’ll see options for Adjust Brightness and Soft Focus. Here’s a quick guide on how each setting can transform your video call experience:

  1. Adjust Brightness: Initially, with this setting turned off, your video feed might look standard, potentially shadowy in low-light conditions. However, once you activate the Adjust Brightness feature, you’ll notice a significant improvement. This setting subtly enhances the lighting on your face, particularly useful in darker environments. The effect is a more balanced and brighter appearance, as shown in our demonstration images.thumbnail image 1 of blog post titled What’s New in Microsoft Teams | May 2022
  2. Soft Focus: The Soft Focus feature is especially handy for softening facial details. When turned on and set to maximum, this feature gently blurs facial imperfections and lines. The result isn’t overly dramatic but provides a subtle enhancement, smoothing out areas like under-eye bags or minor wrinkles. This comparison with the previous image illustrates the softening effect of the Soft Focus feature.

A Balance of Clarity and Comfort

These settings in Microsoft Teams strike a balance between high-definition clarity and the comfort of not having every facial detail in the spotlight. Whether you’re in a dimly lit room or just want a more forgiving video appearance, these features can be easily adjusted to suit your needs.

At WheelHouse IT, we believe in leveraging technology to not only enhance productivity but also to boost confidence and professionalism in a virtual environment. Stay tuned to our blog for more insights and tips on making the most out of Microsoft Teams and other technology solutions.

What Is Microsoft 365 Copilot and How Does It Change Everything About How We Work?

Microsoft 365 Copilot

Are you tired of being overwhelmed by mundane tasks and struggling to tap into your creative potential? Prepare to be amazed by Microsoft 365 Copilot, a game-changing innovation that will revolutionize your work.

By seamlessly integrating with your favorite Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to transform your productivity and unlock your creative genius.

But how exactly does it accomplish this? Stay tuned to discover how Microsoft 365 Copilot can completely reshape your work experience and empower you to achieve more than ever.

How Microsoft 365 Copilot Boosts Productivity

Microsoft 365 Copilot revolutionizes productivity by seamlessly integrating with your favorite Microsoft 365 apps, providing real-time assistance and suggestions to help you work smarter and faster. With the help of language models and natural language processing, Copilot understands your needs and assists you in a wide range of tasks.

Whether you’re writing, researching, creating presentations, managing meetings, or handling emails, Copilot supports you at every step.

Imagine you’re writing a report in Word and stuck on finding the right words. Copilot is like having a virtual writing partner. It can generate ideas, brainstorm outlines, and even help you with creative content. Need to summarize a lengthy document quickly? Copilot can do that for you, saving you time and effort. It can also translate languages, making communicating with international colleagues or clients easier.

Not only does Copilot excel in generating content, but it’s also a powerful tool for research. It can find relevant information from your organization’s data and the web, helping you gather insights and analyze trends. From creating slides to suggesting talking points, Copilot makes presentations a breeze. It can even assist you during the delivery, ensuring you deliver confidently.

Copilot also shines in meetings, allowing you to take notes, capture critical decisions, and follow up on action items. When managing your inbox, Copilot can compose emails, schedule meetings, and help you stay organized. By automating repetitive tasks and assisting with complex ones, Copilot boosts your productivity, giving you more time to focus on your most important tasks.

The Creative Power of Microsoft 365 Copilot

Unleash your creativity with the powerful assistance of Microsoft 365 Copilot. Here’s how it can help you tap into your creative potential:

1. Streamline repetitive tasks: Copilot handles mundane tasks like formatting documents or creating meeting agendas, freeing up your time to focus on more creative work. With Copilot, you can breeze through administrative tasks and dive into the more exciting aspects of your projects.

2. Simplify lengthy presentations: Crafting long presentations can be daunting. Copilot can assist you by suggesting talking points, helping you structure your content, and even providing simple prompts to keep your audience engaged. With Copilot’s guidance, you can create impactful presentations that captivate your audience.

3. Manage action items effortlessly: Copilot can help you keep track of action items from meetings. It automatically captures critical decisions and prompts you to follow up on action items, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. With Copilot as your copilot, you can stay organized and ensure that tasks are completed on time.

With its dynamic capabilities and intuitive user experience, Microsoft 365 Copilot empowers you to elevate your writing style, simplify complex tasks, and unlock your creative potential. It’s time to harness the creative power of Copilot and discover new possibilities in your work.

Streamlining Work with Copilot

Save time and increase efficiency by streamlining your work with the assistance of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This AI-powered assistant integrates with your favorite Microsoft 365 apps, including Teams, to help you with various tasks.

With Copilot, you can quickly generate speaker notes for your presentations, saving you the hassle of manually creating them. It can also help you find and organize relevant public content to quickly access the information you need.

One of the critical features of Copilot is its ability to assist with individual user tasks. It can analyze your chat history and threads to provide suggestions and recommendations based on previous conversations. This makes finding information or continuing discussions easier without searching through numerous messages.

Copilot also understands natural language commands, allowing you to interact with it effortlessly.

Mastering Efficiency with Microsoft 365 Copilot

Increase your productivity and efficiency with the powerful capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This AI-powered assistant is designed to help you master efficiency by streamlining your work processes and providing valuable support.

Here’s how it can transform the way you work:

1. Simplify complex tasks: Copilot can assist you in managing a series of functions seamlessly. Whether you need to create a comprehensive report or analyze data from external sources, Copilot can handle it. With its natural language inputs, you can communicate your requirements effortlessly.

2. Optimize collaboration: Copilot integrates with Microsoft Teams, allowing you to collaborate effectively with your colleagues. It provides suggestions and helps you draft messages, schedule meetings, and share links to sources within your conversations. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can access relevant information easily.

3. Enhance meeting productivity: Copilot revolutionizes your meeting experience by offering features such as quick notes and follow-up action items. It can also assist in creating complete presentations, suggesting talking points, and ensuring smooth delivery. This enables you to have more effective meetings and maximize your time.

With Microsoft 365 Copilot, you can unlock your full potential and achieve higher levels of efficiency in your work. Say goodbye to mundane tasks and embrace a more productive and streamlined approach to your daily responsibilities.

Transforming the Way We Work: Microsoft 365 Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot revolutionizes our work by leveraging AI technology to enhance productivity and collaboration. With its advanced capabilities in generative AI, Copilot transforms our daily work operations to a whole new level. It goes beyond being just a tool and becomes our next-generation AI assistant. Copilot acts as a standalone copilot, guiding us through our tasks and offering intelligent suggestions every step of the way.

By integrating seamlessly with Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot becomes an essential part of our business operations. It understands our needs, context, and preferences, allowing us to work more efficiently and effectively. Copilot becomes an indispensable companion that helps us navigate through complex tasks, streamline workflows, and achieve our goals.

One of the critical features of Copilot is its ability to leverage endpoint taxonomy. It can understand and categorize different data types, providing accurate and relevant insights. Whether we’re writing, researching, creating presentations, or managing emails and meetings, Copilot is there to assist us, making our work more accessible and productive.

Microsoft 365 Copilot can transform how we work and unlock our full potential. It empowers us to accomplish more quickly, unleashing our creativity and reducing stress. By embracing the power of AI, we can revolutionize our work processes and achieve new heights of productivity and collaboration.

A Real Game Changer

Microsoft 365 Copilot is a game-changer for enhancing productivity and unleashing creativity. With AI-powered assistance and integration with famous Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot automates repetitive tasks, offers innovative suggestions, and streamlines work processes.

By saving time and effort, Copilot allows you to focus on what truly matters, resulting in a more efficient and fulfilling work experience.

Embrace the power of Microsoft 365 Copilot and revolutionize the way you work.

Ready to transform your work experience? Elevate productivity, streamline tasks, and unleash your creative potential with Microsoft 365 Copilot. Embrace the future of work with WheelHouse IT – Contact us now to revolutionize the way you work.

Microsoft 365 Copilot – your AI copilot for work

a computer screen with the words copilot on it

As a leader within your business, you’re always looking for ways to increase productivity and efficiency in your organization. Your employees’ daily tasks can become monotonous, leading to burnout and decreased productivity.

That’s where Microsoft 365 Copilot comes in. Copilot is an AI-powered tool that helps employees unleash their creativity, unlock productivity, and up-level their skills. By combining the power of large language models with your data in the Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot turns your employees’ words into the most powerful productivity tool.

With Copilot, your employees can jump-start the creative process in Word and PowerPoint, analyze trends, create professional-looking data visualizations in Excel, and quickly draft suggested replies in Outlook. Copilot in Teams can summarize key discussion points in real-time during meetings, including action items, which is a productivity booster.

Furthermore, Copilot creates a new knowledge model for your organization, harnessing the massive reservoir of data and insights that lie largely inaccessible and untapped today. Business Chat works across all your business data and apps to surface the information and insights you need from a sea of data so knowledge flows freely across the organization, saving you valuable time searching for answers.

Is Microsoft 365 Copilot right for me?

At WheelHouse IT, we understand the importance of data privacy and security. We also appreciate that Copilot large language models (LLMs) are not trained on your tenant data or prompts). Microsoft’s time-tested permission model within your tenant ensures that data won’t leak across user groups. And on an individual level, Copilot presents only data you can access. Using the same technology we’ve used for years to secure customer data.

Microsoft 365 Copilot is your copilot for work, helping your employees be more creative, productive, and collaborative. It is a game-changer for small to medium-sized businesses looking to increase productivity, efficiency, and employee satisfaction.

At WheelHouse IT, we are excited about the possibilities this technology brings to businesses and the way they work.

Introducing Microsoft Video Filters in Teams Meetings

a group of people are shown on the screen

We’re thrilled to announce that Microsoft has generally released video filters in Teams! Microsoft understands that you want to be fully engaged in meetings but may not always have the time to get camera-ready. That’s why they’re now offering AI-powered capabilities that allow you to soften your appearance and add backgrounds in Microsoft Teams. And now, with the introduction of video filters, you can remove unwanted distractions and express your unique personality in each meeting.

video filters

Video filters in Teams Meetings allow participants to enhance their video stream with a range of visual effects, from animated frames to changing the video’s hue. You can even apply these filters before joining a meeting from the lobby. These filters are provided as apps that can be added to your meeting experience via the Teams Platform infrastructure. Microsoft is launching the filters with a first-party app called Custom Filters, but more apps will be available soon.

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Microsoft continues to be a privacy-first company. They assure you that your privacy and compliance are top of mind. Tenant admins can enable or disable the availability of video filter apps, but these apps are enabled by default. The admin cannot pre-install these apps as they require explicit user consent. Before using the filters, you must provide explicit consent to the app to access your video feed. You can turn off the video filters in Teams by uninstalling the filter app.

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Please note that initially, these filters are only available from a desktop and are not available in EDU tenants. We’re excited to see how video filters can enhance your Teams Meetings experience!