WheelHouse IT’s Director of Client Services, Darin McGrew, to Join Distinguished Panel at Cyber Security Event

Cyber Security Event


WheelHouse IT’s Director of Client Services, Darin McGrew, to Join Distinguished Panel at Cyber Security Event

Fort Lauderdale, FL – May 20, 2024 – WheelHouse IT is proud to announce that Darin McGrew, our esteemed Director of Client Services, will be a featured panelist at the upcoming event, “Innovations in Cyber Defense: A Panel Discussion on Shaping Security.” This event is part of the South Florida Business & Wealth (SFBW) CEO Connect series and will take place on May 29, 2024, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation.

Hosted at Nova Southeastern University’s Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and IT Center, this event will gather some of the most influential voices in cybersecurity to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in the field.

Event Details:

  • Date: May 29, 2024
  • Time: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Location: Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation, Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and IT Center, Fifth Floor, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314

The panel will feature:

  • Kevin Parker, CISSP, FBI Lead Director of Cybersecurity
  • Steven Travers, Ph.D., MBA, CHCIO, CDH-E, PMP, VP, Chief Information Officer, Broward Health
  • Christiaan Veerman, VP of Engineering, TD Bank
  • Darin McGrew, Director of Client Services, WheelHouse IT
  • Frank Martinez, Assistant Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer, Nova Southeastern University


  • Kevin Gale, Group Editor, South Florida Business & Wealth and Lifestyle Media Group
  • Sponsored by John Wensveen, Chief Innovation Officer, Nova Southeastern University, and Executive Director, Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation

“We are thrilled to have Darin represent WheelHouse IT on such a prestigious panel,” said Rory, Director of Growth at WheelHouse IT. “His expertise and insights into client services and cybersecurity will be invaluable to the discussion on shaping the future of cyber defense.”

This event underscores the critical importance of cybersecurity in today’s digital landscape and provides a platform for leaders in the industry to share their knowledge and experiences.

About WheelHouse IT: WheelHouse IT is a leading provider of IT services, offering comprehensive solutions to ensure the security and efficiency of businesses in various industries. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, WheelHouse IT helps organizations navigate the complexities of technology and cybersecurity.

For more information about WheelHouse IT and our services, please visit www.wheelhouseit.com.

Media Contact: Rory
Director of Growth
WheelHouse IT
[email protected]


Note to editors: For additional information, event details, and registration, please visit Eventbrite Registration Link.

For a Business Owner Without IT Support, the Significance of a Zero Day Vulnerability Is Terrifying

Running a business without dedicated IT support leaves you vulnerable. Picture this: a zero-day attack strikes.

Running a business without dedicated IT support leaves you vulnerable. Picture this: a zero-day attack strikes. These threats exploit unknown vulnerabilities for which no patches exist. It’s not just a technical breakdown; it’s a race against time to safeguard your data and maintain customer trust. Without expert support, you’re exposed to severe consequences, from financial losses to brand damage. So, how can you prepare for the unpredictable? Let’s delve into the strategies vital for safeguarding your business.

Understanding Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Zero-day vulnerabilities are undisclosed software flaws that attackers exploit before developers can patch them. These attacks leverage unknown weaknesses, evading even robust security measures. Prioritizing proactive security is crucial. While timely patching helps, it’s only possible after vulnerability exposure. Focus on proactive strategies like employing advanced threat detection tools and educating your team to spot potential threats before they exploit vulnerabilities.

Real-World Incidents

Examining real-world incidents sheds light on the severity of zero-day vulnerabilities. The SolarWinds attack in 2021 exploited a zero-day vulnerability, highlighting the importance of timely patching and proactive security measures. Similarly, the Follina attack executed malicious PowerShell commands through Microsoft Office applications, emphasizing the need for comprehensive threat intelligence. The late 2022 Exchange Server zero-day flaw further underscores the constant evolution of threats and the need for robust security measures.

Defensive Strategies Against Zero-Day

Defending against zero-day vulnerabilities requires targeted strategies. Swiftly patch known vulnerabilities, even though zero-days exploit unknown flaws. Develop a robust incident response plan regularly tested and updated to mitigate damage when breaches occur. Educate your team about cybersecurity threats and safe practices, as human error often leads to vulnerabilities being exploited.

Mitigating Risks

Focus on proactive measures to mitigate zero-day risks effectively. Regular patching is vital, maintaining a state of readiness against potential threats. Implement advanced cybersecurity tools to detect anomalies and potential breaches before they exploit vulnerabilities. Foster a cybersecurity-aware culture within your organization to empower your team to recognize and respond to incidents swiftly.

Preparing for Attacks

Establish a comprehensive incident response plan ready to activate at a moment’s notice. Integrate threat intelligence into your cybersecurity framework to stay ahead of emerging threats. Prioritize regular software and system patching and invest in cybersecurity training for your team to enhance awareness and preparedness against attacks.

Prepare for Zero-Day Threats with WheelHouse IT

Businesses without IT support are heightened vulnerable to zero-day attacks. Proactive measures are essential for mitigating these risks. Prioritizing preparedness and understanding can safeguard your business against unpredictable threats.

Partnering with WheelHouse IT, your trusted Managed Service Provider (MSP), significantly enhances defense against zero-day vulnerabilities. With expert guidance, round-the-clock monitoring, and tailored incident response strategies, WheelHouse IT ensures your business stays resilient against evolving cybersecurity threats. Empower your business with WheelHouse IT’s comprehensive cybersecurity solutions today.

Be Prepared: An Active Hurricane Season Is Ahead


As the Atlantic hurricane season approaches, starting June 1, staying prepared and informed is crucial. With ocean temperatures at record highs and a possible La Niña event, experts are predicting an exceptionally active season, potentially featuring twice the average number of named storms.

Why This Season Could Be Different

The combination of record-warm Atlantic waters and the shifting climate patterns, including La Niña, are setting the stage for increased hurricane activity. Warm ocean waters act as fuel for hurricanes, enhancing their strength and frequency. Additionally, La Niña typically reduces wind shear in the Atlantic, which can otherwise disrupt storm formation, thereby facilitating more and stronger hurricanes.

What to Expect

Forecasts suggest a 70% more active season than usual, with up to 23 named storms. This could surpass the standing record of named storms, indicating an intense season ahead. Organizations like Colorado State University and notable meteorologists expect significant activity. Additionally, a high chance of major hurricanes hitting the United States.

As we approach an active hurricane season, it’s essential for businesses to implement robust preparedness strategies:

  1. Structural Fortification:

    • Upgrade Infrastructure: Invest in hurricane-proof modifications such as impact-resistant windows and storm shutters to protect your premises.
    • Roof Security: Ensure your building’s roof is secured with hurricane ties to prevent significant wind damage, which is a common issue during storms.
    • Debris Management: Conduct regular inspections and maintenance around your property to remove or secure potential debris that could become hazardous in high winds.
  2. Flood Mitigation Strategies:

    • Flood Risk Assessment: Determine if your business location is in a flood-risk area by consulting local flood maps. Make necessary adjustments to your infrastructure to mitigate flooding risks.
    • Evacuation Plan: Develop a clear evacuation route and strategy for all employees. Ensure this plan is well-communicated and rehearsed regularly.
    • Critical Equipment Protection: Elevate critical machinery and electrical equipment above potential flood levels to prevent water damage.
  3. Business Continuity Planning:

    • Emergency Supplies: Create an emergency supply kit including essential items such as flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, and non-perishable food for essential staff who may need to remain on-site.
    • Data Protection: Regularly back up all critical business data to secure, remote locations to ensure business operations can continue with minimal disruption.
    • Communication Plan: Establish a reliable communication plan to keep in touch with employees, customers, and suppliers during and after a hurricane. This should include alternative communication methods in case traditional systems fail.

For more detailed guidelines and to ensure your business is as prepared as possible, visit our Storm Resource Page. Proactive preparation can significantly reduce the impact of hurricanes on your operations and help ensure a quicker recovery post-storm.

Stay Informed Always refer to the National Hurricane Center for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding weather updates and storm tracking.

By taking proactive steps now, you can ensure that you, your family, and your business are better protected against the inevitable challenges posed by hurricane season. Don’t wait until a storm is on your doorstep to start preparing; the time to act is now.

Early Activity in the Atlantic: Monitoring the First Tropical Disturbance of the Year

a map showing the location of atlantic tropical cyclones

With the Atlantic hurricane season scheduled to start on June 1 and running through November 30, there’s already notable activity in the Atlantic Ocean. Although we are more than a month away from the official start, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) is closely observing a low-pressure area in the Atlantic, currently positioned over 1,000 miles from the African coast. This early disturbance highlights the dynamic nature of tropical weather systems, even during the off-season.

tropical disturbance

The NHC has assessed this system and determined it has a low chance, about 10%, of developing further. Forecasts predict that any potential for development will likely dissipate by the end of the week due to unfavorable conditions. Satellite images have captured the system moving southwest. This movement is attributed to its separation from a frontal boundary, becoming a distinct entity in the vast Atlantic.

This tropical disturbance serves as a reminder of the ocean’s complexities and the impending hurricane season. It’s particularly noteworthy given the early forecasts suggesting an active year ahead. Colorado State University has released a preliminary forecast anticipating 23 named storms. 11 of those could escalate to hurricane strength, and five may reach major hurricane status. These predictions are based on record-high sea surface temperatures and the potential development of La Niña conditions, which typically enhance storm activity in the Atlantic.

While this specific disturbance is expected to weaken, it underscores the importance of preparedness. At WheelHouse IT, we understand the critical need for readiness during the hurricane season. Our dedicated hurricane season webpage offers valuable business preparedness resources and real-time storm response updates. As the season approaches, staying informed and prepared is crucial. WheelHouse IT is committed to supporting businesses in navigating these challenging times.

For those interested in learning more about how to safeguard their operations this hurricane season, please visit our storm resource page at https://wheelhouseit.com/storm for comprehensive guidance and live updates.

Navigating the Cyber Threat Landscape in Private Healthcare Practices: A Closer Look

Private Healthcare

The Challenge in Private Healthcare Practices

In the increasingly digital world of private healthcare practices, the dual challenges of protecting sensitive patient information and ensuring uninterrupted care have never been more pronounced. With limited resources, reliance on legacy software systems, and the critical nature of the data they handle, private practices present an appealing target for cybercriminals. The imperative to maintain operations and patient care in the face of cyber threats can pressure these practices into meeting ransom demands, inadvertently signaling their vulnerability to attackers.

The Growing Threat

Cyberattacks on healthcare facilities, including private practices, have seen a worrying increase in frequency and severity. Ransomware attacks, characterized by encrypting critical data to render it inaccessible, have become particularly prevalent. Private healthcare practices’ impact is magnified by their smaller scale and often less sophisticated cybersecurity defenses compared to larger hospital networks.

The Reality of Ransomware Attacks

The healthcare sector has emerged as a prime target for cybercriminals, with ransomware attacks causing significant disruptions. These attacks not only compromise patient data but also threaten the very ability of private practices to deliver essential healthcare services. Private practices are equally at risk despite the focus on hospital networks, underscoring the need for robust cybersecurity measures.

Security Challenges Unique to Private Healthcare

The cybersecurity challenges private healthcare practices face are compounded by their need to use software compatible with specialized medical equipment. Upgrading these systems poses a risk to patient care continuity, therefore leaving practices vulnerable to cyberattacks. This balancing act between operational efficiency and security leaves private practices in a precarious position.

The Consequences of Cyberattacks

A successful cyberattack can severely disrupt a private practice’s operations, affecting everything from electronic health records to patient communication. The financial repercussions extend beyond ransom payments to include recovery costs and potential operational losses, significantly burdening these practices.

The Role of Managed IT Service Providers

In this challenging cybersecurity landscape, Managed IT Service providers like WheelHouse IT play a crucial role in helping private practices mitigate their risks and ensure compliance with regulations like HIPAA. These providers offer a range of services tailored to the unique needs of healthcare practices, including:

  • Comprehensive Security Assessments: Identifying vulnerabilities in the practice’s current IT infrastructure to recommend security enhancements.
  • Advanced Cybersecurity Solutions: Implementing state-of-the-art security measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, to protect sensitive patient data.
  • Regular Monitoring and Updates: Providing ongoing monitoring of IT systems for potential threats and ensuring software is up-to-date against the latest cyber threats.
  • Employee Training: Educating healthcare staff on cybersecurity best practices and potential phishing scams to prevent accidental breaches.
  • HIPAA Compliance Support: Ensuring that IT practices and data handling procedures comply with HIPAA regulations to protect patient privacy and avoid costly fines.

By partnering with a Managed IT Service provider like WheelHouse IT, private healthcare practices can strengthen their cybersecurity posture. Thus safeguarding patient data and maintaining compliance with critical healthcare regulations. This partnership allows healthcare providers to focus on their primary mission of delivering high-quality patient care. Meanwhile, confident in the knowledge that their IT infrastructure is secure and compliant.

Moving Private Healthcare Forward

The cyber threat landscape for private healthcare practices demands a proactive and strategic approach to cybersecurity. With the support of specialized Managed IT Service providers such as WheelHouse IT, practices can navigate these challenges effectively, ensuring the protection of patient data and the continuity of care. In an era where cyber threats are evolving rapidly, the collaboration between healthcare providers and cybersecurity experts is not just beneficial but essential for the sustainability and trustworthiness of healthcare services.