Healthcare Cyberattack at Ascension Leaves Facilities Scrambling

a close up of a keyboard with a fingerprint on it
The recent cybersecurity breach at Ascension has sent shockwaves through the healthcare industry, highlighting the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures. This incident underscores the vulnerability of clinical operations to malicious cyber threats, prompting healthcare providers to scramble to mitigate the breach’s impact and restore normalcy to patient care. As questions linger about the broader implications for healthcare IT security nationwide, the urgency of the situation becomes clear.

Incident Overview

Ascension, a prominent healthcare provider, recently confirmed that it fell victim to a ransomware attack that disrupted clinical operations across its facilities. This breach has prompted an urgent investigation and mobilized extensive remediation efforts to safeguard patient data and restore secure operations.

Impact on Clinical Operations

The repercussions of the cybersecurity incident at Ascension have been profound, with clinical operations experiencing severe disruptions. The attack has compromised access to electronic medical records, forcing healthcare providers to use paper-based systems. As a result, essential processes such as patient admissions and medication dispensation have slowed down, testing the resilience of care teams and delaying patient treatments. This underscores the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures in ensuring uninterrupted healthcare services and patient care.

Response and Investigation Efforts

In response to the cyberattack, Ascension has initiated a comprehensive investigation, engaging external cybersecurity experts to assess the breach’s extent and identify its origins. Simultaneously, efforts are underway to implement robust security measures and update protocols to prevent future incidents. Ascension’s proactive response underscores the seriousness of the situation and its commitment to safeguarding patient care and critical medical services.

Patient Data and Privacy Concerns

Amidst the cybersecurity incident, concerns about the privacy and security of patient data have heightened. Ascension has reassured patients of its commitment to stringent legal privacy protection guidelines. Enhanced security measures are being implemented to protect patient data against unauthorized access, ensuring confidentiality and trust in the healthcare system.

Organizational Impact and Scope

The cyberattacks impact extends beyond Ascension’s facilities, highlighting broader vulnerabilities within the healthcare sector. With clinical operations disrupted across its vast network, the incident underscores the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures in safeguarding patient information and ensuring uninterrupted healthcare services nationwide.

WheelHouse IT’s Role in Enhancing Cybersecurity

WheelHouse IT specializes in enhancing cybersecurity for healthcare organizations, providing solutions that are specifically tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the healthcare sector. Their solutions, leveraging advanced technologies and proactive monitoring, fortify IT infrastructure against threats. Comprehensive training programs empower staff to recognize and respond to risks, strengthening the organization’s defenses. With continuous support and maintenance, including regular assessments and updates, WheelHouse IT keeps systems resilient against evolving threats. Partnering with them significantly reduces the risk of cyber attacks, safeguards patient data, and ensures confidentiality in healthcare operations.

AT&T customers report a massive outage – Navigating the Waters of Network Outages: Insights from a Major Disruption

A cell phone tower for the AT&T

In the fast-paced world of IT and telecommunications, a network outage can feel like navigating through a stormy sea. This morning, many AT&T customers found themselves adrift as they experienced widespread disruptions across the United States. This incident highlights the unpredictable nature of technology and the importance of preparedness and resilience in our digital lives.

The outage impacted AT&T users by preventing them from making calls, sending texts, or accessing the internet, effectively cutting off a crucial line of communication for countless individuals and businesses. While similar reports emerged from Verizon and T-Mobile customers, these were significantly less widespread, with T-Mobile confirming that its network remained unaffected by the issues plaguing AT&T.

Scale of Disruption

The scale of the disruption was notable, with over 64,000 AT&T customers reporting problems on DownDetector, a digital service tracking platform. This figure, however, only scratches the surface, as DownDetector relies on self-reported data. The situation seemed to ebb slightly in the early hours, only to surge again, underscoring the fluid and dynamic nature of network outages.

Despite outreach for comments, AT&T’s immediate response was limited to addressing customer complaints on social media platforms, without formally acknowledging the network outage. This incident was not isolated, as AT&T had experienced sporadic outages in the days leading up to the event, including a temporary disruption to 911 services in parts of the southeastern United States.

After Effects

The ripple effects of the outage were felt across various local governments, with emergency services advising AT&T customers on alternative methods to contact 911. From using landlines to leveraging Wi-Fi for emergency calls, the outage underscored the critical need for backup communication plans in times of crisis.

In the wake of this disruption, other carriers like Verizon and T-Mobile also experienced a smaller number of outage reports. T-Mobile, in particular, was quick to clarify that its network was operating as normal, suggesting that some issues reported could be attributed to challenges in connecting with AT&T users.


At WheelHouse IT, we understand that network outages, while disruptive, offer valuable lessons in the importance of robust IT support and disaster recovery planning. They remind us of the need for continuous monitoring, swift response strategies, and the importance of having a plan B, especially for essential services.

This incident serves as a reminder of the interconnected nature of our digital ecosystem and the importance of resilience in the face of unexpected challenges. As we continue to navigate through the ever-evolving landscape of IT and telecommunications, let’s take this opportunity to reassess our preparedness for when the digital seas get rough. After all, in the world of IT, the best offense is a good defense.

Stay connected, stay prepared, and let WheelHouse IT guide you through the storms of network outages and beyond.

Warmer Ocean Temps Could be a Sign of a Busy 2024 Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season Impacts

As an MSP serving hundreds of businesses in areas with the potential to be affected by hurricanes, WheelHouse IT understands the importance of early preparation. While the hurricane season officially begins in June, the current oceanic and climatic indicators suggest that the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season could be more active than usual, making now the optimal time for businesses to prepare.

Unusually Warm Ocean Temperatures: A Sign to Start Preparing

Recent observations have revealed that sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic, particularly in the Main Development Region (MDR), are significantly warmer than usual for this time of year—resembling conditions typically seen in July. This anomaly is not just a curiosity of nature; it holds significant implications for the development of tropical systems. Warmer sea temperatures fuel hurricanes, providing them with the energy needed to maintain or increase their strength.

Why This Matters for Your Business

While these conditions do not immediately threaten the coastal United States, they signal a potentially active hurricane season ahead. The presence of an El Nino effect, which usually disrupts storm formation, is expected to weaken, possibly giving way to a La Nina pattern. This transition, coupled with the already warm Atlantic waters, could lead to a notably busy hurricane season.

The Imperative of Early Preparation

For businesses in hurricane-prone areas, these indicators serve as a critical reminder that preparation cannot wait for a storm warning. Migrating on-premise servers to the cloud is a pivotal step in safeguarding your data and ensuring business continuity. Cloud migration not only protects your data from physical damage but also ensures that your business can continue operations uninterrupted, regardless of the weather conditions.

Building Your Plan: Don’t Wait for the Storm

Developing a comprehensive business continuity plan is essential. This plan should outline the steps your business will take before, during, and after a hurricane to minimize downtime and ensure a swift recovery. Key components include data backup strategies, communication plans, and recovery procedures.

WheelHouse IT: Your Partner in Preparedness

At WheelHouse IT, we specialize in helping businesses like yours prepare for the hurricane season. From cloud migration services to business continuity planning, our team is ready to assist you in developing and implementing a strategy that ensures your operations remain uninterrupted, no matter what the season brings.

Conclusion: A Proactive Approach to Hurricane Season

The early indicators of an active 2024 hurricane season underscore the importance of preparation. By taking proactive steps now, such as migrating to the cloud and developing a robust business continuity plan, you can safeguard your business against the unpredictable nature of hurricanes. WheelHouse IT is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your business remains resilient in the face of natural disasters.

SonicWall Insights Reveal Cyberattack Surge: The Essential Role of MSPs like WheelHouse IT

a black and red background with numbers on it

In today’s digital age, the complexity and frequency of cyberattacks are on a relentless rise, putting unprecedented pressure on businesses to fortify their defenses. The latest 2024 SonicWall Annual Cyber Threat Report sheds light on this evolving threat landscape, revealing a significant uptick in cyberattacks globally. With overall intrusion attempts increasing by 20%, and a notable surge in ransomware attacks, cryptojacking, IoT exploits, and encrypted threats, the data underscores the urgent need for robust cybersecurity solutions.

At WheelHouse IT, we understand the gravity of these challenges. As a managed service provider and a proud gold partner of SonicWall, we are at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge security solutions to businesses. Our partnership with SonicWall enables us to leverage their comprehensive threat intelligence and advanced security technologies, ensuring our clients are well-protected against the spectrum of digital threats.

The SonicWall report highlights a staggering 659% global increase in cryptojacking volume and a 117% rise in encrypted threats, alongside the discovery of 293,989 ‘never-before-seen’ malware variants. These figures illustrate not only the creativity and adaptability of cybercriminals but also the critical need for businesses to stay one step ahead.

As organizations worldwide grapple with these security challenges, the role of managed service providers (MSPs) like WheelHouse IT becomes increasingly vital. We offer an additional layer of human-centric defense, addressing alert fatigue and enabling businesses to focus on their core functions. Our services extend from endpoint to cloud security, embodying SonicWall President and CEO Bob VanKirk’s assertion that conventional network security is no longer sufficient in today’s threat environment.

The evolving nature of cyber threats, including sophisticated ransomware campaigns and IoT exploits, emphasizes the importance of a proactive and integrated approach to cybersecurity. At WheelHouse IT, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide such an approach, utilizing SonicWall’s insights and technologies to craft comprehensive security strategies that protect our clients from the endpoint to the cloud.

Moreover, the SonicWall report anticipates a continued surge in cyberattacks targeting SMBs, governments, and enterprises in 2024. This prediction aligns with our mission at WheelHouse IT to equip our clients with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the cybersecurity landscape confidently. Our goal is to ensure that businesses of all sizes have access to enterprise-level security solutions, enabling them to mitigate risks and maintain operational resilience.

In conclusion, the findings of the 2024 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report highlight the critical role of managed service providers in today’s cybersecurity ecosystem. At WheelHouse IT, our partnership with SonicWall empowers us to offer unparalleled security solutions to our clients, safeguarding their assets against an ever-evolving array of cyber threats. As we move forward, we remain committed to elevating our clients’ security postures, ensuring they can thrive in a digital world fraught with challenges.

To learn more about how WheelHouse IT can protect your business in partnership with SonicWall, visit our website and discover our range of security solutions tailored to meet the demands of the modern threat landscape.

Beyond the Big Players: Why HIPAA Compliance Matters for All in Healthcare

an electronic medical record is displayed on a computer screen

As we forge ahead into 2024, the narrative surrounding cybersecurity within the healthcare sector is evolving. No longer are discussions about cyber threats and HIPAA compliance confined to the corridors of large hospitals and healthcare agencies. A recent wake-up call came from incidents involving smaller entities within the healthcare ecosystem, illustrating a critical point: cyber threats do not discriminate by the size of the organization.

In a notable development, an urgent care clinic in Louisiana faced a significant financial penalty for HIPAA violations following a phishing attack, marking a first in the United States. This was closely followed by a similar case involving a medical management firm in Massachusetts, penalized for ransomware attack-related HIPAA breaches. These incidents serve as stark reminders that HIPAA compliance is not merely a bureaucratic checkbox but a vital shield against severe financial repercussions.

The landscape of cyber threats is increasingly complex and perilous, with cybercriminals becoming more sophisticated and audacious in their attacks. This underscores the importance of protecting patient data, not just to comply with regulations like HIPAA but as a fundamental aspect of patient care and trust.

The message is clear: cybersecurity breaches are a matter of “when,” not “if,” and healthcare organizations of all sizes are in the crosshairs. Investing in HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity is no longer optional but a necessity to avoid the steeper costs of non-compliance and the inevitable cybersecurity incidents.

To navigate these challenges, healthcare organizations, regardless of their size, should consider implementing several best practices to bolster their defenses:

  1. Adopt Multifactor Authentication (MFA): MFA provides a robust layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before gaining access. This simple yet effective measure significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and is becoming more accessible for organizations of all sizes.
  2. Engage in Regular Security Awareness Training: Educating staff on recognizing and responding to cybersecurity threats, such as phishing, is crucial. Employees serve as the first line of defense against cyber attacks, making their awareness and vigilance pivotal in safeguarding against breaches.
  3. Conduct Regular Security Audits: Like a health check for your IT environment, regular audits help identify vulnerabilities, including redundant accounts or excessive privileges that could serve as entry points for cybercriminals.

These foundational practices are just the beginning. It’s also beneficial for healthcare organizations to extend their compliance efforts beyond HIPAA, invest in cyber insurance, conduct annual security assessments, and maintain a regimented patching schedule for all systems and medical devices. Such comprehensive measures not only fortify the organization’s cybersecurity posture but also enhance the overall quality of patient care by safeguarding sensitive data.

In essence, the recent penalties levied against healthcare entities for HIPAA violations are a clarion call to the entire sector. It’s a reminder that in the realm of cybersecurity, no organization is too small to be noticed or targeted. By prioritizing HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity, healthcare providers can protect themselves, their patients, and the trust that is foundational to their relationships. In doing so, they not only comply with regulatory requirements but also contribute to the broader effort to secure the healthcare industry against the ever-evolving threat landscape.