4 Cyber Security Tips for Employees Who Work Remotely

4 Cyber Security Tips for Employees Who Work Remotely

Thanks to the internet, many businesses now allow employees to work remotely part of the time or even most of the time. However, this presents a whole slew of security concerns. Here are some cyber security tips for employees who work remotely.

Be Wary of Anything Public

Public WiFi certainly makes staying connected easier, but consider having a policy that employees are not allowed to use public wifi when doing work stuff. This is the best way to prevent passwords from getting stolen or devices from becoming compromised on unsafe WiFi networks. At the very least, have some rules in place about which networks are acceptable and what kind of activity can be done when connected to them. Employees can also use their mobile phones as a hot spot if they need to stay connected. In addition, make sure your employees avoid using public computers whenever possible. The same goes for working in a public area where everyone can watch what you are doing.

Be Wary of BYOD

If you have a BYOD (bring your own device) policy, you can’t really control what employees do on their laptops or phones. One compromised device can endanger the entire network. Consider issuing laptops and tablets specifically for work and prohibiting other devices from using your WiFi. Each work-issued device should only be able to access the data that that specific employee needs. This way, you will mitigate the risks of data becoming compromised.

Encrypt Your Email

Email is one of the most common ways hackers get access to a network. Use tools or a service to encrypt your work-related emails.

Train Your Employees

Train your employees regularly on good cyber security practices. Chances are that many are simply ignorant about what to do and what to avoid. A monthly training session can go a long way.

For more cyber security tips, contact us today.

How To ALWAYS Remember Unique Passwords

How To ALWAYS Remember Unique Passwords

These days, it is important to realize that EVERYONE is a potential target for hackers. It is not wise to forego your cyber safety because you don’t think you have anything worth taking.

Hackers can get access to your snapchat photos that you thought were long gone, they can track and steal your packages on your Amazon account, they can even see your location and your children’s locations if you have a smartphone. They can weasel their way into your phone and personal computer, they can attack at home or at work. The easiest way they can do this is by tricking you into giving up your passwords.

It is recommended by most cybersecurity experts that you change your password every 4 months, or 3 times a year. It is also recommended that you use a capital letter, a number and an uncommon character such as ‘$’.  This can be a lot to keep up with, especially if you use a different password for every account.

A lot of systems require you to change your password every 4 months to keep your access. Because of these frequent changes, too many people make the decision to write their passwords down in a notebook or, even worse, in a file on their computer.

It is important to pick a password you can remember easily that will also keep your information safe. A fun idea is to make your password a goal, resolution, something you need to remember, or even a personal mantra. Here are some good ideas:

  • L0seTenP0unds
  • Save$500!
  • icAnD0Anything
  • SaraOwesMe$10

Think about how many times you type your password in a day, not only will you be staying safe, you’ll be staying motivated!

Here at WheelHouse IT, we are passionate about maintaining your cyber safety. Your peace of mind is our top priority. Take the time to contact us about your cybersecurity needs so we can work together to protect you, your business, and your family.

Tips To Ensure Cyber Security

Automating CyberSecurity

Good cyber security is no doubt an issue that companies and IT experts are grappling with on a regular basis.

Even so, the bottom line is that there are security loopholes posing a risk to existing systems and they need to be closed. For that reason, continuous research on emerging threats and how to mitigate them is critical in securing systems within an enterprise.

Here are a few tips that will help you enhance the security of your systems to guard against possible cyber threats:

Tighten The Security and Remain Vigilant

In most cases, end users are the primary targets of almost every hacker planning to gain access to an entity’s network system. The reason is that it is often difficult to control the documents that each user downloads or every email they choose to open. Each of these actions can introduce harmful malware in the systems in use if workers an enterprise fail to remain vigilant.

Therefore, in-house IT experts, as well as providers of these services, should take the responsibility of educating staff of the dangers of clicking every document or email they receive. On the other hand, end users should adopt a culture of vigilance every time they access the company’s network, to foster successful implementation of this tip.

Ensure Proper Disposal of Sensitive or Confidential Documents

Hackers will use every tactic to try and access the network infrastructure, including going through the trash, otherwise known as dumpster diving. In that case, improper disposal of documents bearing sensitive information as well as CDs and USB drives leaves systems prone to cybersecurity threats too. Hence, shredding confidential documents is advisable.

Also, ensure proper destruction of any physical media you plan to dispose before discarding the same. That way you will protect your network infrastructure from such hackers.

Beware of Exposing Sensitive Information in Shared Meeting Areas

When a consultative meeting or any forum of this kind comes to an end, it is wise to clear the meeting area of anything that may fall into the hands of anyone with selfish motives.

Gathering all copies of graphs and presentations that remain behind and opting to trash such details elsewhere, other than using the trash bins available in conference rooms, are some of the precautions to observe.

If you’re interested in more cybersecurity tips, contact us today!

Ransomware: Tips to Keep Your Computer Safe

Ransomware: Tips to Keep Your Computer Safe

Stories of ransomware and other forms of malicious software attacking businesses have been on the rise in recent years.

This makes it more important than ever that you take certain precautions in order to ensure that your data is secure. To help get you started, here are a few tips on steps you can take to protect your business’s digital security.

Perform Automatic Backups

Backing up your company’s data is one of the most important things you can do. Regular backups ensure that you are protected in the event that your computer crashes, or in the event that you fall prey to a ransomware attack, as this will allow you to reset your system.

You can either perform weekly backups manually, or you can use a program that will perform regular backups for you on a regular basis to an external hard drive or a cloud-based storage service.

Don’t Open Suspicious Emails

In order to protect yourself from falling subject to a ransomware attack, you should be careful not to open emails from suspicious senders, as these emails may include malicious software disguised as an important link or attachment.

However, it is often difficult to differentiate malicious emails from genuine emails sent from an unknown sender. It is then important that you use a quality spam filter that will help to prevent malicious content from ending up in your inbox.

Perform Updates When Prompted

Sometimes it can seem easier to ignore those reminders you receive regarding system updates rather than take the time out of your day to allow your computer to update these programs. However, it is critical that you make time to perform updates to your operating system and programs on your computers, as these updates often contain important security patches.

Without these updates, your computer may be more vulnerable to hackers, leaving your data at risk. It is then best to allow your computer to perform these updates as soon as possible after you receive a reminder to do so.

These are just a few of the steps you can take to protect your business from malicious software.

Contact us for more advice, and look out for our next computer tip of the day.

How To Avoid Screen Burn

a man sitting in front of a computer monitor

Whether you’re using a laptop, netbook, tower, or tablet, if you’re connected to separate peripherals (such as a docking station, monitor, or printer) you’re probably costing your employer more money than you have to. It is very important to know how to avoid screen burn.

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